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Interior Design I Interior Design II Interior Design, Advanced
Interior Design, Advanced
This course provides students the opportunity to develop industry skills in applying previous content acquired in Interior Design 1 and 2. Projects are integrated throughout the course to provide students with hands on application as they explore careers in interior design, programming and design development, design technology, product specification, sustainability, and universal design. A coordinated project that allows application of interior design skills in a residential, commercial, or school setting may be a component of this course. The study and application of textile and material sciences and technology in this course provide students with laboratory-based experiences that will strengthen their comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. Student leadership and competitive events (FCCLA) may be an integral part of the course.
Students will analyze careers and explore the design industry.
Standard 2: Interior Design Careers: Interior Designer/Entrepreneur, Lighting Designer, Kitchen and Bath Designer, Hospitality Designer, Healthcare Designer, Aging-in-Place Specialist, Staging Designer, Retail Designer, Institutional Designer, Set and Stage Designer, Retail Sales/ Purchasing Agent.
Standard 3: Identify educational requirements, knowledge, and skills for selected careers in the interior design industry.
Students will apply the concepts of the programming and design development phases through successful application of a client profile.
Standard 2: Students will identify the programming phase (research and decision making process that identifies the scope of the work to be designed) of the design process. “Programming is problem seeking, design is problem solving.”-William Peña
Standard 3: Students will identify the design development phase (brainstorming, identifying and researching possible solutions, color concepts, and space planning) of the design process.
Performance Objective #1: Complete an Interior Design Client Profile.
Students will apply the design and function of interior space through the use of space planning while utilizing the elements and principles of design.
Standard 2: Use block diagrams to demonstrate interior zones and correct circulation patterns.
Standard 3: Use proxemics (the amount of space that people feel comfortable between themselves and others) and anthropometrics (the scientific study of measurements and proportions of the human body) for proper furniture arrangement.
Performance Objective #2: Create a space plan for client profile or FCCLA Interior Design STAR Event.
Students will identify technology and other industry skills used in interior design documentation and presentations.
Standard 2: Explore and analyze a current design software App or program related to the interior design industry (Google SketchUp, Homestyler, Revit, Auto CAD 360, Moodboard, Measures, Home Design, and Olioboard).
Standard 3: Apply various types of presentation methods to convey design concepts (color board, oral presentation, and digital presentation).
Standard 4: Use one or more of the following visual presentation techniques: floor plan, furniture plan, rendering, elevation, drafting or sketching.
Performance Objective #3: Using the client profile and space plan or FCCLA Interior Design STAR Event Scenario, demonstrate one or more of the following visual presentation techniques: floor plan, furniture plan, rendering, elevation, drafting or sketching.
Students will analyze the specification of surface treatments, including sustainability and appropriate selection for use in interior design.
Standard 2: Discuss the relevance of energy efficiency, sustainability and care when specifying products.
Standard 3: Identify how LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) helps designers fulfill their role in protecting the health safety and welfare of the public.
Standard 4: Identify the commercial and residential textile standards (UFAC Upholstered Furniture Action Council, ACT Association for Contract Textiles). Include terminology: colorfastness to light, flammability, physical properties, wet and dry crocking and abrasion
Performance Objective #4: Prepare a materials board to support visual presentation for client profile or FCCLA Interior Design STAR Event.
Students will classify lighting types to meet various lighting functions and needs.
Standard 2: Determine the basic amount and location of light needed for various spaces based on aesthetics, economics, and safety.
Standard 3: Analyze the context of different lighting applications in residential and commercial spaces.
Standard 4: Identify lighting needs as people age (elderly needs: as vision diminishes they’ll need a brighter light, reduced glare, and reduce dramatic changes of lighting from space to space).
Students will identify and explore the use of universal design in residential and/or commercial applications.
Standard 2: Identify the Seven Principles of Universal Design: Equitable Use, Flexibility in Use, Simple and Intuitive, Perceptible Information, Tolerance for Error, Low Physical Effort, Size and Space for Approach and Use.
Standard 3: Apply Universal Design principles for transgenerational, aging in place, and (ADA) American Disabilities Act scenarios.