UEN Resources for K-12 Education
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Adult Roles and Financial Literacy
This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general financial literacy.

Adult Roles and Responsibilities
This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of human relationships involving individuals and families.

Child Development
A curriculum guide that outlines the content and teaching strategies to help teach students about Child Development.

Classroom and Laboratory Management
The intent of this guide is to help educators who teach the nutrition and foods science curriculum. Topics include safe and sanitary work habits, reading a recipe and basic lab procedures.

Clothing and Textiles I
This course prepares individuals to understand the psychological aspects of clothing and textiles.

Clothing and Textiles II
This course is designed to allow students to develop clothing construction and consumer skills.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Early Childhood Education
A curriculum guide that prepares individuals for child-related careers and/or more extensive parenting skills.

FACS Exploration
This course helps students learn life skills and develop skills in food & nutrition, childcare & safety, interior design, clothing construction & style, consumerism, family relationships, personal responsibility, and job-related tasks.

FACS ListServ File Cabinet
Materials that have been shared via the Family and Consumer Sciences mailing list.

Fashion Strategies
An instructional course that prepares individuals to understand the social, psychological, and physiological aspects of clothing and textiles.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I
This curriculum guide provides Foods and Nutrition educators basic information and learning activities. It is organized around the reasons why we eat.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition II
This guide is intended for use as a semester course in basic nutrition and foods at the 9th or 10th grade level. Sections contain units of detailed study with scientific and technical information, teaching strategies and resources.

Functional Foods
A curriculum guide that outlines the content and teaching strategies to help teach students with disabilities to become independent in the kitchen.

Gear Up U
The free resources on this comprehensive website will help students develop their spatial thinking skills, which in turn will set them on the path to obtaining a STEM career.

Interior Design
This course enables students to explore their creativity in the field of interior design.

Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Student Manual
USBE developed this law enforcement and criminal justice student manual in cooperation with the Unified Police of Greater Salt Lake.

Life Management
This course is designed to prepare students with skills to live independently. Skills are developed to help students manage their needs in the areas of interpersonal relationships, housing, clothing, nutrition, and food.

Teen Living Resource Guide
This course helps students understand and cope with personal, family, and social challenges. Emphasis is placed on communication, decision-making skills, and building stable relationships with family and peers.

Early Learning eMedia Hub
The Early Learning Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed Pre-K resources for preschool educators, students, and parents.

Health Education eMedia Hub
Explore a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Health Education standards to help educators create lifelong healthy behaviors for their students.

Library Media Hub
The Library Media Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Library Media standards.

Mathematics eMedia Hub
The Mathematics Hub provides access high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Mathematics standards.

School Counseling eMedia Hub
Explore the eMedia Counseling Hub for a collection of high-quality resources that will assist in implementing Utah’s K-12 College and Career Readiness School Counseling Programs.

Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) eMedia Hub
The SEEd Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education standards.

United States Constitution eMedia Hub
The United States Constitution eMedia hub is a collection of civics and history resources intended to support educators in teaching about the Constitution of the United States of America.

Argumentative Writing
Here are some resources to help your students improve their argumentative writing skills.

Digital Books
Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Elementary Performance Tasks
These Performance Task Templates and Lesson Plans, developed by Utah educators, align to the Elementary Utah Core.

English Language Arts Courses and Resources
Visit UEN's English Language Arts page to view the Utah core and support materials.

Literacy Resources
These literacy resources have been gathered to help District Literacy Coordinators and Instructional Coaches with their professional development activities.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Persuasive / Opinion Writing
A collection of online resources to help students write effective persuasive essays.

Presidential Writings Project
Utah’s secondary educators have designed well scaffolded lessons that support the increased cognitive rigor of the Utah literacy standards. The focus of this project is presidential writings.

Reading and Writing Rubrics
Here "Close Reading Rubrics" and "Argumentative Writing Rubrics" for Secondary English Language Arts.

Sample Student Performance Assessments
These sample assessments for Secondary English Language Arts have been vetted by select Utah Educators and the USBE English Language Arts Specialist.

Text Complexity Rubric for Informational Text
This rubric will help you evaluate the Text Complexity of Informational Text.

Text Complexity Rubric for Literary Text
This rubric was designed to help you evaluate the Text Complexity of Literary Text.

Utah's K-12 Literacy Framework
This guide includes strategies for improving literacy achievement and outcomes for children in grades K–12.

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy
This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general financial literacy.

Adult Roles and Responsibilities
This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of human relationships involving individuals and families.

Child Development
A curriculum guide that outlines the content and teaching strategies to help teach students about Child Development.

Classroom and Laboratory Management
The intent of this guide is to help educators who teach the nutrition and foods science curriculum. Topics include safe and sanitary work habits, reading a recipe and basic lab procedures.

Clothing and Textiles I
This course prepares individuals to understand the psychological aspects of clothing and textiles.

Clothing and Textiles II
This course is designed to allow students to develop clothing construction and consumer skills.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Early Childhood Education
A curriculum guide that prepares individuals for child-related careers and/or more extensive parenting skills.

FACS Exploration
This course helps students learn life skills and develop skills in food & nutrition, childcare & safety, interior design, clothing construction & style, consumerism, family relationships, personal responsibility, and job-related tasks.

FACS ListServ File Cabinet
Materials that have been shared via the Family and Consumer Sciences mailing list.

Fashion Strategies
An instructional course that prepares individuals to understand the social, psychological, and physiological aspects of clothing and textiles.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I
This curriculum guide provides Foods and Nutrition educators basic information and learning activities. It is organized around the reasons why we eat.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition II
This guide is intended for use as a semester course in basic nutrition and foods at the 9th or 10th grade level. Sections contain units of detailed study with scientific and technical information, teaching strategies and resources.

Functional Foods
A curriculum guide that outlines the content and teaching strategies to help teach students with disabilities to become independent in the kitchen.

Interior Design
This course enables students to explore their creativity in the field of interior design.

Life Management
This course is designed to prepare students with skills to live independently. Skills are developed to help students manage their needs in the areas of interpersonal relationships, housing, clothing, nutrition, and food.

Teen Living Resource Guide
This course helps students understand and cope with personal, family, and social challenges. Emphasis is placed on communication, decision-making skills, and building stable relationships with family and peers.

AI Toolkit
A collection of resources designed as a starting point for teachers looking to expand their AI literacy using AI in the classroom.

Anne Frank - Teacher Workbook
This Teacher's Guide provides resources to aid in teaching about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. You will find lesson plans, readings, timelines and more.

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month - During Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, communities commemorate the achievements and contributions of people who are Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) with community festivals, government-sponsored activities and educational activities for students.

Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom
Spend some time with "Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom" to explore ideas for integrating Bloom’s Taxonomy into daily classroom curricular activities.

Brain Awareness Resources
Learn about your brain and the brain research that is being done at the University of Utah and around the world.

Crowd and the Cloud
A Public Television series about Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Mobile Tech.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

eduroam allows students, researchers, teachers and staff from Utah college and K-12 schools to securely connect to the internet across campuses, districts and schools by simply opening their computing device.

eMedia is an Internet video distribution service provided by UEN delivering licensed video and other educational media to Utah's schools.

English Language Learners (ELL)
A collection of of resources to help educators with English Language Learners.

Finance in the Classroom
These personal finance materials for K-12 educators, students and parents were developed to help you prepare Utah's youth to be money smart.

Flipped Classroom Resources
Thinking about Flipping your Classroom? Here is some information and resources to help you.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies
This resource provides a starting point for teachers to install activities that stimulate the brain through physical activity.

Interactive Whiteboard Resources
A collection of web sites and resources that can be used on your Interactive Whiteboard.

K-2 Educator Center
Excellent resources to help K, 1, 2 educators: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching, Curriculum Mapping, Early Childhood Process Skills, Learning Centers and more.

Lesson Plans
UEN has thousands of lesson plans that are tied to the Utah Core Standards. All of the plans have been created by educators and approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Library Media Hub
The Library Media Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Library Media standards.

Lucid for Education
Lucid for Education is a suite of visual applications that combine the creative power of diagramming and design to help students understand their own thinking, actively participate in their learning, and gain crucial digital skills.

More Than A Flag
Find materials to spark conversations about our common values, unite around our shared identity, and learn how to provide ideas and concepts for a new Utah state flag design.

Multimedia Resources
A great list of web sites that provide free sounds, images, and videos that can be used in your classroom and multimedia presentations.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Parent & Caregiver Resources
Parents, guardians, and caregivers play a vital role in student success. Parents face similar issues from helping a beginning reader to applying for college financial aid. The resources listed here provide great ideas for building the home-school partnership.

Prevention Dimensions
USBE's collection of age-appropriate lessons and resources with the goal of decreasing risk factors and promoting protective factors.

Special Education Resources
Special Education information on national and state legislation and professional organizations.

Suicide Prevention Training (USBE)
Utah Code 53A-1-603 requires suicide prevention training for licensed employees. This online training is intended as an introductory to other training that your district will want to provide.

Supporting Students New to America
The goal of the site is to orient Utah educators, local agencies and support staff about school integration as new students begin their lives in Utah.

UEN's Themepark pages provide you hundreds of resources that support global themes such as Communication, Cycles, Exploration, Imagination, Systems and Patterns.

Utah Courses and Supportive Lesson Plans and Links
In addition to viewing the standards and objectives for every one of Utah's K-12 courses, you can find supportive Internet resources and lesson plans.

Utah Educational Leadership Standards
These clear and consistent Educational Leadership standards can help school leaders understand their roles and leadershop practices.

Utah Effective Teaching Standards
The Utah Effective Teaching Standards articulate what effective teaching and learning look like in the Utah public education system.

Utah Kids Ready to Read
A local early literacy program designed to help children develop as independent, lifelong readers.

Utah Museums
Utah has some excellent museums all over the state and here is a list of of their web sites.

Utah National Parks
Learn about Utah's 5 National Parks, submit a story about one of the parks, play games, or find resources for educators.

Utah's Open Textbooks
These textbooks were created by Utah content experts and the USBE staff to help support the Utah Core Standards.

Utah Youth Suicide Prevention Crisis Toolkit
The Utah State Board of Education developed this collection of resources for counselors, educators and parents.

William Shakespeare Resources
Online resources and lesson plans to help you bring William Shakespeare into your classroom.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition I
This curriculum guide provides Foods and Nutrition educators basic information and learning activities. It is organized around the reasons why we eat.

Foods and Fitness - Foods/Nutrition II
This guide is intended for use as a semester course in basic nutrition and foods at the 9th or 10th grade level. Sections contain units of detailed study with scientific and technical information, teaching strategies and resources.

Health Education - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Health Education using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Health Education eMedia Hub
Explore a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Health Education standards to help educators create lifelong healthy behaviors for their students.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies
This resource provides a starting point for teachers to install activities that stimulate the brain through physical activity.

Life Management
This course is designed to prepare students with skills to live independently. Skills are developed to help students manage their needs in the areas of interpersonal relationships, housing, clothing, nutrition, and food.

Prevention Dimensions
USBE's collection of age-appropriate lessons and resources with the goal of decreasing risk factors and promoting protective factors.

Suicide Prevention Training (USBE)
Utah Code 53A-1-603 requires suicide prevention training for licensed employees. This online training is intended as an introductory to other training that your district will want to provide.

Utah Youth Suicide Prevention Crisis Toolkit
The Utah State Board of Education developed this collection of resources for counselors, educators and parents.

AI Toolkit
A collection of resources designed as a starting point for teachers looking to expand their AI literacy using AI in the classroom.

Big 6 Resources
Here is a collection of Big 6 Resources for teachers and students. You will find lesson plans, activities and graphic organizers.

Copyright Resources
The following resources are designed to assist faculty, distance learning administrators, multimedia developers and students navigate the murky waters in a sea of new copyright law.

eduroam allows students, researchers, teachers and staff from Utah college and K-12 schools to securely connect to the internet across campuses, districts and schools by simply opening their computing device.

HTML Tags (basic)
HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language, the text-based language used to write web pages. Sometimes it is handy to know basic HTML tags when posting content to the Internet.

Multimedia Resources
A great list of web sites that provide free sounds, images, and videos that can be used in your classroom and multimedia presentations.

NetSafe Utah
NetSafe Utah provides teachers, caregivers and students Internet safety information, lesson plans, videos and training opportunities.

Utah's Online Library
Utah's one-of-a-kind online library provides free access to reference collections such as EBSCO, Gale Reference Collection & World Book. Check out the classroom activity ideas.

Digital Books
Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Elementary Mathematics Core Guides
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and educators around the state of Utah developed these guides as a support for educators.

Math Courses and Resources
Attention Math educators: visit UEN's Math page to view the Utah Mathematics core and support materials.

Mathematics eMedia Hub
The Mathematics Hub provides access high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Mathematics standards.

Math Shorts Videos
The following videos were developed as part of the Math at the Core: Middle School project that is focused on providing resources to help educators teach critical middle school math concepts.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Secondary Mathematics Core Guides
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and educators around the state of Utah developed these guides as a support for educators.

Texas Instruments Classroom Activities
Browse and download free, standards-aligned activities designed for the the Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators.

Texas Instruments Remote Learning Support
Texas Instruments has prepared a number of resources to support both teachers and students in remote learning.

African American History Month Resources
February is African American History Month - a great time to investigate the contributions that African Americans have made to the history and cultural development of the United States.

American Indian Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Utah’s indigenous communities, heroes and events, present and past.

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month - During Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, communities commemorate the achievements and contributions of people who are Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) with community festivals, government-sponsored activities and educational activities for students.

Asian American Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Asian American communities in the United States and Utah. Resources include teacher background information, books, lesson plans and web resources.

Latino Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Utah’s Latino communities, heroes and events.

National Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Early Learning eMedia Hub
The Early Learning Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed Pre-K resources for preschool educators, students, and parents.

Utah Kids Ready to Read
A local early literacy program designed to help children develop as independent, lifelong readers.

Animal Adaptations - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Animal Adaptations using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Charles Darwin Links
Celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday with these educational web sites, classroom activities and lesson plans.

Cheese Science
Did you know that there is a lot of science behind cheese? Learn the details of cheese making from real food scientists and have fun playing games and exploring cheese from around the world.

Climate Science
UEN's Climate Science web page provides educators and students information about the science and impacts of climate change.

Crowd and the Cloud
A Public Television series about Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Mobile Tech.

Curriculum - Governor's Office of Energy Development
The Governor’s Office of Energy Development partnered with the Utah Science Teachers Association to create a robust library of state-standard lesson plans for elementary, middle and high school students.

Digital Books
Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day with these educational web sites, classroom activities, television programs, videos and lesson plans.

Health Education - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Health Education using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Video Series
Every month, the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium will explore thought-provoking questions, amazing animals, weird science, investigations of our local environments, and more.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Research Quest
Developed by the Natural History Museum of Utah, this program engages middle school students in online investigations that use museum objects and scientific research to support deeper learning.

Science Courses and Resources
Attention Science educators: visit UEN's Science page to view the Utah Science core and support materials.

Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) eMedia Hub
The SEEd Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education standards.

Secondary Science Lesson Plans
Science lesson plans that support the Utah Core Standards. All of the plans were created by educators and approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Shmoop for School - Science
Free Learning Guides, Online Courses, College Readiness Prep, and Test Prep balance a teen-friendly, approachable style with academically rigorous materials to help students understand why they should care.

Smithsonian Science Education Center
The Smithsonian Science Education Center provides curriculum resouces, professinal development, outreach and more.

Space - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Space using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Super Science Resources (7-12)
A collection of excellent web resources to help 7-12th grade Science educators teach the Utah core.

Texas Instruments Classroom Activities
Browse and download free, standards-aligned activities designed for the the Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators.

Texas Instruments Remote Learning Support
Texas Instruments has prepared a number of resources to support both teachers and students in remote learning.

The Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom is an online, free to use physics website developed primarily for beginning physics students and their teachers.

Water Wise Utah
Water Wise Utah is a project designed to encourage Utah Citizens to conserve the limited water resources in Utah.

Weather Related Resources
UEN gathered Internet resources and online games to help students learn about weather. In addition, the Online Cloud Guide provides excellent illustrations of the different cloud types.

9/11 Anniversary Resources
UEN gathered these 9/11 resources to help educators and students commemorate the event.

Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday
Celebrate the 200th birthday of our 16th president by learning more about his life and completing these classroom activities.

African American History Month Resources
February is African American History Month - a great time to investigate the contributions that African Americans have made to the history and cultural development of the United States.

American Civics Education Initiative
American Civics Education Initiative, S.B. 60, was passed in the Utah legislative session of 2015. This law requires the successful passage of a basic civics test or an alternate assessment as a condition of graduation.

American Colonial History - Mission US
Dive headfirst into Mission US - a free online video game set in Colonial times and then explore additional American Colonial History resources.

American Indian Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Utah’s indigenous communities, heroes and events, present and past.

Anne Frank - Teacher Workbook
This Teacher's Guide provides resources to aid in teaching about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. You will find lesson plans, readings, timelines and more.

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month - During Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, communities commemorate the achievements and contributions of people who are Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) with community festivals, government-sponsored activities and educational activities for students.

Asian American Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Asian American communities in the United States and Utah. Resources include teacher background information, books, lesson plans and web resources.

Civil Rights
Learn about the Civil Rights Movement - from 1954 to present day. You can also access related lesson plans.

Colonial Williamsburg
You will find web sites, documents and resources about Colonial Williamsburg, as well as information about the Colonial Williamsburg Electronic Field Trip.

Constitution Day Resources
September 17th has been designated as Constitution Day. Use these resources to help gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of our nation's founding document.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Elementary Social Studies Resources
UEN worked with the Utah State Office of Education to gather web sites, activities and lesson plans that support the Elementary Social Studies core.

Freedom Rides Educator Resources
In depth resources about the Freedom Rides and the brave civil rights pioneers.

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, you are invited to join Utah students and families in memorizing and applying the principles contained in this two-minute speech.

GIS / GPS Resources
A collection of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) resources.

Heritage Gateways
In addition to documenting the Mormon Trail Wagon Train reenactment, visitors can find lesson plans and stories of the children who experienced the trek over 150 years ago.

Inauguration Day
Great resources and activities to help you and your students learn more about the inauguration ceremonies.

Juneteenth Freedom Day
Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.

Latino Resources
Find current, culturally appropriate resources for teaching and learning about Utah’s Latino communities, heroes and events.

Marbury vs. Madison
This 1803 decision marked the first time the U.S. Supreme Court declared a federal law unconstitutional. Here are some educational web sites to help you learn more about this historic decision.

More Than A Flag
Find materials to spark conversations about our common values, unite around our shared identity, and learn how to provide ideas and concepts for a new Utah state flag design.

National Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Explore Ouelessebougou (Wuh-less-uh-boo-goo) - a region located in the country of Mali in Western Africa. This colorful site has many photos of the people and their lifestyle.

Our World
Name a country that has no pollution, where there is no crime, and the citizens are the longest lived people on Earth? Experience Iceland and all of the other countries in "Our World".

Sacred Images: A Vision of Native American Rock Art
This K-12 curriculum was developed to teach students about the culture and customs of the earliest inhabitants of our state.

Teaching with Utah History
These Utah-based lessons and primary sources are geared for upper elementary and secondary students. They offer local examples of major themes in American and Utah history, world history, geography, economics, earth science/ecology/environmental studies, and more.

Transcontinental Railroad
The joining of the rails at Promontory Summit on May 10, 1869, marked the beginning of a new era for the nation, the West, and for Utah. These resources help us understand the many ways the railroad transformed life in Utah.

United States Constitution eMedia Hub
The United States Constitution eMedia hub is a collection of civics and history resources intended to support educators in teaching about the Constitution of the United States of America.

U.S. Civics Information
UEN's Civics web site provides basic information about our government, citizenship and the election process. Take a moment to review your civic duties and responsibilities.

Utah and U.S. Flag Resources
Resources to help you learn about the United States and Utah flag as well as flag etiquette, flag related lesson plans and student activities.

Utah Cities and Towns
These lessons will provide an understanding of the ways in which geography, history, culture, and tradition have made Utah such a unique and fascinating place to live.

Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia (UCME)
A project designed to give educators, students and the general public ready access to digital collections of Utah-related information and media items, about the history, culture, geography, and landforms of the state.

Utah Counties
This colorful and informative web site explores Utah's 29 counties. You will find interesting facts, photos, and links for each Utah county.

Utah History Encyclopedia
The Utah History Encyclopedia is the first complete history of Utah in encyclopedia form, consisting of 575 articles and over 200 historic photographs.

Utah Museums
Utah has some excellent museums all over the state and here is a list of of their web sites.

Utah National Parks
Learn about Utah's 5 National Parks, submit a story about one of the parks, play games, or find resources for educators.

Utah Studies: Primary Source Sets
Our Past Their Present offers primary source sets on Utah history topics such as Japanese Internment and Women during World War II. Created by the Utah Division of State History to meet Social Studies Core Standards.

Visit the VoteUtah website regularly for updates on the political process, candidate profiles and debate information.

We Shall Remain
Lesson plans and resources that support the KUED-7 documentaries that tell the stories of the Ute, Paiute, Northwestern Shoshone, Goshute, and Navajo people.

Women Making Utah History
High-quality resources for K-12 social studies and language arts classrooms that center around Utah women's advocacy.

Animal Adaptations - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Animal Adaptations using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Climate Science
UEN's Climate Science web page provides educators and students information about the science and impacts of climate change.

Crowd and the Cloud
A Public Television series about Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Mobile Tech.

Curriculum - Governor's Office of Energy Development
The Governor’s Office of Energy Development partnered with the Utah Science Teachers Association to create a robust library of state-standard lesson plans for elementary, middle and high school students.

Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day with these educational web sites, classroom activities, television programs, videos and lesson plans.

Gear Up U
The free resources on this comprehensive website will help students develop their spatial thinking skills, which in turn will set them on the path to obtaining a STEM career.

GIS / GPS Resources
A collection of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) resources.

HTML Tags (basic)
HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language, the text-based language used to write web pages. Sometimes it is handy to know basic HTML tags when posting content to the Internet.

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Video Series
Every month, the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium will explore thought-provoking questions, amazing animals, weird science, investigations of our local environments, and more.

Math Courses and Resources
Attention Math educators: visit UEN's Math page to view the Utah Mathematics core and support materials.

Math Shorts Videos
The following videos were developed as part of the Math at the Core: Middle School project that is focused on providing resources to help educators teach critical middle school math concepts.

Research Quest
Developed by the Natural History Museum of Utah, this program engages middle school students in online investigations that use museum objects and scientific research to support deeper learning.

Science Courses and Resources
Attention Science educators: visit UEN's Science page to view the Utah Science core and support materials.

Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) eMedia Hub
The SEEd Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education standards.

Secondary Science Lesson Plans
Science lesson plans that support the Utah Core Standards. All of the plans were created by educators and approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Shmoop for School - Science
Free Learning Guides, Online Courses, College Readiness Prep, and Test Prep balance a teen-friendly, approachable style with academically rigorous materials to help students understand why they should care.

Smithsonian Science Education Center
The Smithsonian Science Education Center provides curriculum resouces, professinal development, outreach and more.

Space - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Space using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Super Science Resources (7-12)
A collection of excellent web resources to help 7-12th grade Science educators teach the Utah core.

Texas Instruments Classroom Activities
Browse and download free, standards-aligned activities designed for the the Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators.

Texas Instruments Remote Learning Support
Texas Instruments has prepared a number of resources to support both teachers and students in remote learning.

The Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom is an online, free to use physics website developed primarily for beginning physics students and their teachers.

Weather Related Resources
UEN gathered Internet resources and online games to help students learn about weather. In addition, the Online Cloud Guide provides excellent illustrations of the different cloud types.

Careers Resources
UEN has gathered a list of excellent web sites that provide career and educational planning resources.

College Resources
Here are some web sites to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about college choices.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Finance in the Classroom
These personal finance materials for K-12 educators, students and parents were developed to help you prepare Utah's youth to be money smart.

Gear Up U
The free resources on this comprehensive website will help students develop their spatial thinking skills, which in turn will set them on the path to obtaining a STEM career.

Homework Help
Students - is homework getting you down? UEN is here to help. Check out this great collection of online resources, tutorials and experts.

Library Media Hub
The Library Media Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Library Media standards.

Multimedia Resources
A great list of web sites that provide free sounds, images, and videos that can be used in your classroom and multimedia presentations.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Planning for College: A High School Timetable
Don't wait until your senior year to take the ACT or the SAT test, to take tough classes or decide to go to college. Here is a helpful timetable for 9th-12 graders.

Research Quest
Developed by the Natural History Museum of Utah, this program engages middle school students in online investigations that use museum objects and scientific research to support deeper learning.

Service Projects
Students: are you look for good Service Projects ideas? Here is a comprehensive list.

Student Interactives
Visit one of UEN's most popular web resource - a comprehensive list of educational online games for K-12 students. Warning: Once you start playing - it will be difficult to stop.

Summer Learning Activities
Take advantage of the long summer days with UEN's collection of learning activities and online games.

Utah Counties
This colorful and informative web site explores Utah's 29 counties. You will find interesting facts, photos, and links for each Utah county.

Curriculum Search
With UEN's Curriculum Search it's easy to find educational links, lesson plans and the standard and objectives for the courses you teach.

eMedia is an Internet video distribution service provided by UEN delivering licensed video and other educational media to Utah's schools.

my.uen provides access to the UEN Lesson Plan and Rubric tools, CACTUS, Canvas, eMedia and other resources.

Rubric Tool
Use UEN's Rubric Tool to create your own assessment rubric from scratch - or customize one of the many pre-made rubrics.

UEN Teacher Toolbox
The Utah Education Network offers a lot of resources for K-12 Utah educators. The Teacher Toolbox will show you everything at a glance. This is a great way for both new and experienced educators to explore UEN.

Utah's Online Library
Utah's one-of-a-kind online library provides free access to reference collections such as EBSCO, Gale Reference Collection & World Book. Check out the classroom activity ideas.

Digital Books
Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Elementary Mathematics Core Guides
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and educators around the state of Utah developed these guides as a support for educators.

Elementary Performance Tasks
These Performance Task Templates and Lesson Plans, developed by Utah educators, align to the Elementary Utah Core.

Elementary Social Studies Resources
UEN worked with the Utah State Office of Education to gather web sites, activities and lesson plans that support the Elementary Social Studies core.

Finance in the Classroom
These personal finance materials for K-12 educators, students and parents were developed to help you prepare Utah's youth to be money smart.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies
This resource provides a starting point for teachers to install activities that stimulate the brain through physical activity.

Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Student Manual
USBE developed this law enforcement and criminal justice student manual in cooperation with the Unified Police of Greater Salt Lake.

Literacy Resources
These literacy resources have been gathered to help District Literacy Coordinators and Instructional Coaches with their professional development activities.

Presidential Writings Project
Utah’s secondary educators have designed well scaffolded lessons that support the increased cognitive rigor of the Utah literacy standards. The focus of this project is presidential writings.

Prevention Dimensions
USBE's collection of age-appropriate lessons and resources with the goal of decreasing risk factors and promoting protective factors.

Reading and Writing Rubrics
Here "Close Reading Rubrics" and "Argumentative Writing Rubrics" for Secondary English Language Arts.

Sample Student Performance Assessments
These sample assessments for Secondary English Language Arts have been vetted by select Utah Educators and the USBE English Language Arts Specialist.

Secondary Mathematics Core Guides
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and educators around the state of Utah developed these guides as a support for educators.

Suicide Prevention Training (USBE)
Utah Code 53A-1-603 requires suicide prevention training for licensed employees. This online training is intended as an introductory to other training that your district will want to provide.

Supporting Students New to America
The goal of the site is to orient Utah educators, local agencies and support staff about school integration as new students begin their lives in Utah.

USBE Student Data Privacy
USBE gathered Student Data Privacy materials, events, laws and policies for parents, teachers and LEAs.

Utah Educational Leadership Standards
These clear and consistent Educational Leadership standards can help school leaders understand their roles and leadershop practices.

Utah Effective Teaching Standards
The Utah Effective Teaching Standards articulate what effective teaching and learning look like in the Utah public education system.

Utah's K-12 Literacy Framework
This guide includes strategies for improving literacy achievement and outcomes for children in grades K–12.

Utah's Open Textbooks
These textbooks were created by Utah content experts and the USBE staff to help support the Utah Core Standards.

Utah's Promising Practices
This site is dedicated to disseminating practices, initiatives and programs that have a positive impact on the educational opportunities for students and families.

Utah Youth Suicide Prevention Crisis Toolkit
The Utah State Board of Education developed this collection of resources for counselors, educators and parents.

Heritage Gateways
In addition to documenting the Mormon Trail Wagon Train reenactment, visitors can find lesson plans and stories of the children who experienced the trek over 150 years ago.

Juneteenth Freedom Day
Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.

More Than A Flag
Find materials to spark conversations about our common values, unite around our shared identity, and learn how to provide ideas and concepts for a new Utah state flag design.

Sacred Images: A Vision of Native American Rock Art
This K-12 curriculum was developed to teach students about the culture and customs of the earliest inhabitants of our state.

Teaching with Utah History
These Utah-based lessons and primary sources are geared for upper elementary and secondary students. They offer local examples of major themes in American and Utah history, world history, geography, economics, earth science/ecology/environmental studies, and more.

Transcontinental Railroad
The joining of the rails at Promontory Summit on May 10, 1869, marked the beginning of a new era for the nation, the West, and for Utah. These resources help us understand the many ways the railroad transformed life in Utah.

Utah and U.S. Flag Resources
Resources to help you learn about the United States and Utah flag as well as flag etiquette, flag related lesson plans and student activities.

Utah Cities and Towns
These lessons will provide an understanding of the ways in which geography, history, culture, and tradition have made Utah such a unique and fascinating place to live.

Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia (UCME)
A project designed to give educators, students and the general public ready access to digital collections of Utah-related information and media items, about the history, culture, geography, and landforms of the state.

Utah Counties
This colorful and informative web site explores Utah's 29 counties. You will find interesting facts, photos, and links for each Utah county.

Utah History Encyclopedia
The Utah History Encyclopedia is the first complete history of Utah in encyclopedia form, consisting of 575 articles and over 200 historic photographs.

Utah Museums
Utah has some excellent museums all over the state and here is a list of of their web sites.

Utah National Parks
Learn about Utah's 5 National Parks, submit a story about one of the parks, play games, or find resources for educators.

Early Learning eMedia Hub
The Early Learning Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed Pre-K resources for preschool educators, students, and parents.

Elementary Social Studies Resources
UEN worked with the Utah State Office of Education to gather web sites, activities and lesson plans that support the Elementary Social Studies core.

English Language Arts Courses and Resources
Visit UEN's English Language Arts page to view the Utah core and support materials.

Health Education eMedia Hub
Explore a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Health Education standards to help educators create lifelong healthy behaviors for their students.

Library Media Hub
The Library Media Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Library Media standards.

Math Courses and Resources
Attention Math educators: visit UEN's Math page to view the Utah Mathematics core and support materials.

Mathematics eMedia Hub
The Mathematics Hub provides access high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Mathematics standards.

Science Courses and Resources
Attention Science educators: visit UEN's Science page to view the Utah Science core and support materials.

Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) eMedia Hub
The SEEd Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education standards.

Utah Courses and Supportive Lesson Plans and Links
In addition to viewing the standards and objectives for every one of Utah's K-12 courses, you can find supportive Internet resources and lesson plans.

Utah Educational Leadership Standards
These clear and consistent Educational Leadership standards can help school leaders understand their roles and leadershop practices.

Utah Effective Teaching Standards
The Utah Effective Teaching Standards articulate what effective teaching and learning look like in the Utah public education system.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Utah World Languages Core Standards
A description of the competencies a Utah world language learner should demonstrate.

World and Dual Languages
The Utah Education Network provides several resources to support the World and Dual Language classrooms.