UEN Resources for K-12 Education
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Animal Adaptations - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Animal Adaptations using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Charles Darwin Links
Celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday with these educational web sites, classroom activities and lesson plans.

Cheese Science
Did you know that there is a lot of science behind cheese? Learn the details of cheese making from real food scientists and have fun playing games and exploring cheese from around the world.

Climate Science
UEN's Climate Science web page provides educators and students information about the science and impacts of climate change.

Crowd and the Cloud
A Public Television series about Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Mobile Tech.

Curriculum - Governor's Office of Energy Development
The Governor’s Office of Energy Development partnered with the Utah Science Teachers Association to create a robust library of state-standard lesson plans for elementary, middle and high school students.

Digital Books
Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Digital Media Arts
Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating.

Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day with these educational web sites, classroom activities, television programs, videos and lesson plans.

Health Education - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Health Education using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Video Series
Every month, the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium will explore thought-provoking questions, amazing animals, weird science, investigations of our local environments, and more.

NROC HippoCampus
Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Research Quest
Developed by the Natural History Museum of Utah, this program engages middle school students in online investigations that use museum objects and scientific research to support deeper learning.

Science Courses and Resources
Attention Science educators: visit UEN's Science page to view the Utah Science core and support materials.

Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) eMedia Hub
The SEEd Hub provides access to high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching resources aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education standards.

Secondary Science Lesson Plans
Science lesson plans that support the Utah Core Standards. All of the plans were created by educators and approved by the Utah State Office of Education.

Shmoop for School - Science
Free Learning Guides, Online Courses, College Readiness Prep, and Test Prep balance a teen-friendly, approachable style with academically rigorous materials to help students understand why they should care.

Smithsonian Science Education Center
The Smithsonian Science Education Center provides curriculum resouces, professinal development, outreach and more.

Space - Bloom's Taxonomy
Help students think critically while learning about Space using Bloom's Taxonomy.

Super Science Resources (7-12)
A collection of excellent web resources to help 7-12th grade Science educators teach the Utah core.

Texas Instruments Classroom Activities
Browse and download free, standards-aligned activities designed for the the Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators.

Texas Instruments Remote Learning Support
Texas Instruments has prepared a number of resources to support both teachers and students in remote learning.

The Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom is an online, free to use physics website developed primarily for beginning physics students and their teachers.

Water Wise Utah
Water Wise Utah is a project designed to encourage Utah Citizens to conserve the limited water resources in Utah.

Weather Related Resources
UEN gathered Internet resources and online games to help students learn about weather. In addition, the Online Cloud Guide provides excellent illustrations of the different cloud types.