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Parent and Caregiver Resources - TV Programs


Career Planning TV for Thinkers Help for your Kids
The following programs are broadcast on UEN-TV.

Career Planning

  • Career Decisions: Nursing - Ext. Interviews
    In the series Career Decisions: Nursing - Extended Interviews, teachers, doctors, nurses and hospital administrators discuss the role of nurses and nursing as part of the modern health care team. In addition, these men and women talk about the opportunities for nurses in the 21st century as well nursing school choices, what doctors and hospitals are looking for in nurses and the challenges facing prospective nurses in school and professionally.
  • Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics
    Career Decisions: Nutrition/Dietetics presents an overview of a career choice in Nutrition and Dietetics and what is needed to become a Nutritionist or Dietitian, illustrating what makes the them a key component of the modern medical team. Chapter List 1.) Chapter 1 - The Science of Nutrition in America 2.) Chapter 2 - History of Dietetics in America 3.) Chapter 3 - The Role of the Dietitian 4.) Chapter 4 - Dietitian School
  • Career Decisions: Physical Therapy - Extended Interviews
    Physical Therapy - Extended Interviews is a 10 part series that thoroughly covers the Physical Therapy career for prospective students. Topics include education requirements and suggestions, the best qualities for a physical therapy student to have, and other advice from experts in the field and current PT students.
  • Real Life 101: Real Jobs, Great Career Choices
    Do you know what you want to do for the rest of your life? Have you thought about your dream job? Do you have any idea what it takes to get there? Not sure? Real Life 101 introduces you to real people doing real jobs. From doctors, lawyers and veterinarians to counselors, teachers and entertainers. Real Life 101 takes you on the job so you can see for yourself why these professionals love what they do. Learn about jobs you might not know even existed and the education it takes to put you in the right direction!

TV for Thinkers

  • Ancient History
    Globe Trekker's Zay Harding hosts this new look at the world's ancient civilizations: civilizations that left remarkable ruins. As interpreted by historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these ancient civilizations were presumed to be primitive and embroiled in wars, invasion and conquest. Now archaeologists have come to regard them in a new light in terms of accomplishments and unique variations on complex social organizations. Filmed in high-definition, these programs highlight new understandings of the civilizations of Greece, the Incas, the Anasazi, Britons and Native North Americans.
  • Branches on the Tree of Life: The Biology of...
    The Biology of... series of core curriculum programs explores the "deep branches" on the tree of life to reveal a modern view of the classification and phylogeny of each group studied in the biology curricula. The narrated programs feature new techniques of microscopy, animation, and photography to reveal the structure, process, and behavior in living things.
  • Steve Trash Science
    Steve Trash has entertained millions of kids around the world with his unique brand of eco-magic. Now, Steve brings his act to television in a series for children aged 6 - 10 that makes science fun! Steve Trash has been studying environmental science for decades to create his live magic show, which teaches kids about recycling using a combination of fun - and funny - magic routines that engage, entertain, and educate.

Help for your Kids

  • Biz Kid$
    Biz Kid$ is the fun, new, fast-paced TV series where kids teach kids about money and entrepreneurship. Created for school-aged children, each half-hour episode features several young business owners and philanthropists who share their success stories.
  • Teen Kids News
    TEEN KIDS NEWS is a dynamic news program for teens and pre-teens by teens. The half-hour weekly program provides information and news to students in a way that's educational as well as entertaining. The focus of the program is young people, so all the stories are in their words.
  • iQ: smartparent
    IQ: SMARTPARENT equips parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully guide their children in the use of digital media and technology. The three-part series addresses children's media consumption - from helping them discern between fiction and reality to safeguarding their online identities. Host Angela Santomero created and executive produced the acclaimed children's television series Blue's Clue on Nick Jr., and Super Why! and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on PBS KIDS.