UEN » Contact UEN - UEN

Contact Us!

Mailing Address
101 Wasatch Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

(800) 866-5852
(801) 585-6105
map Maps to UEN Facilities

Use this form to contact the Utah Education Network with suggestions, comments, questions, etc. We will respond as soon as possible during normal business hours. If you would like your my.uen login emailed to you, visit my.uen.org and use the "Forgot Login" link.

UEN is committed to making the content on this website available to as many people as possible meeting the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. If you are having problems accessing a resource, please let us know and we will work to resolve the issue. Please be as specific as possible in describing the problem. If you prefer to speak to someone directly, please call (800) 866-5852.

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