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Google Workspaces for Edu


Google for Education combines some of the best educational tools and resources used by districts across the state of Utah. This page has resources about the most current updates, professional learning opportunities, and certification opportunities to help educators make the most of these amazing digital resources.

Get Googley: Beat Spring Fever
Get your students excited about the world around them using Google Earth, Google Maps, and Pollinator Pathmakers. In this video, you’ll learn how these Google applications can help teach your students about different places across the globe and the environment. Watch now to learn more!

Recent Projects

eMedia Google Workspaces for Edu Hub
eMedia Google Workspaces for Edu Hub is a collaborative collection of tools, professional development sessions, and lesson plans for a variety of content areas and Google tools.
GEGUtah Program
GEGUtah is Utah’s official Google Educator Group. Any teacher interested in being a Google Certified Educator can join and gain recognition for their work, build their skills, and share best practices with other educators.  
Google Workspace Updates
Check out the official feed from the Google Workspace team, as they provide essential information about new features and improvements for Google Workspace customers.
Google for Education Product Training Series
A training series on the G Suite for Education, G Suite Enterprise for Education and Chrome devices. Each 30 minutes session will detail specific features, with demo-based training and educational use-cases.

Google Certification

Google Certified Coaching Program

UEN Homeroom is pleased to welcome Amanda Del Balso, Manager of the Google Certified Coaching Program, and Chris Leighty, an Instructional Coach from Oklahoma. Our conversation centered around the new Google Certified Coaching Program and how it can help improve classroom instruction. As part of the conversation we discussed how coaching provides teachers with the support they need, the role Google can play to help educators, and we learned about the Google Certified Coaching curriculum.

Become Google Certified

Google Certified Educator Level One
Demonstrate your mastery of Google tools in your classroom with the Educator Level 1 Certification.

Google Certified Educator Level Two
Validate your expertise and advanced technology integration skills with the Educator Level 2 Certification.

Google Certified Coach
The Certified Coach program empowers instructional coaches to work 1:1 with educators and drive impactful technology use in their schools.

Google Certified Trainer
Certified Trainers empower educators to learn and use Google for Education products to make their classrooms more efficient, improve student outcomes, and foster leadership skills.

Google Certified Innovator
Join a global community of passionate educators who use technology to solve big challenges and advocate for impactful use of Google tools.


Training & Resources

UEN Google Courses
Learn more about Google Tools by enrolling in courses being offered by UEN. These online classes will help you strengthen your Google knowledge and skills.
Google Educator Group Utah
GEG Utah is a space for all Utah teachers to share best practices, ask questions, and create a community beyond their classrooms.
eMedia Google Workspaces for Edu Hub
eMedia Google Workspaces for Edu Hub is a collaborative collection of tools, professional development sessions, and lesson plans for a variety of content areas and Google tools.
Google News & Events
Check out the latest news and events from Google for Education.
Google Reference Districts
See which districts in Utah are leading the way by earning the distinction of Google Reference District.
Google Certified Trainers
Find a local expert on Google for Education tools and lessons.
Google for Education
Find resources, trainings, updates and more from the Google for Education team.
Google Chromebook App Hub
Find the latest applications to add to your school’s Chromebooks as well as support for adding them.
Google for Education Video Playlist
Watch the latest video tutorials and updates from the Google team on YouTube.
Google’s Applied Digital Skills
Teach and learn practical digital skills needed for the jobs of today and tomorrow with our free video lessons from Google
CS First
A free computer science curriculum from Google that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn.
Be Internet Awesome
Be Internet Awesome teaches students about digital citizenship in a gamified environment.


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