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UEN Resources for K-12 Education

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Heritage Gateways

In addition to documenting the Mormon Trail Wagon Train reenactment, visitors can find lesson plans and stories of the children who experienced the trek over 150 years ago.

Juneteenth Freedom Day

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.

More Than A Flag

Find materials to spark conversations about our common values, unite around our shared identity, and learn how to provide ideas and concepts for a new Utah state flag design. 

Sacred Images: A Vision of Native American Rock Art

This K-12 curriculum was developed to teach students about the culture and customs of the earliest inhabitants of our state.

Teaching with Utah History

These Utah-based lessons and primary sources are geared for upper elementary and secondary students. They offer local examples of major themes in American and Utah history, world history, geography, economics, earth science/ecology/environmental studies, and more.

Transcontinental Railroad

The joining of the rails at Promontory Summit on May 10, 1869, marked the beginning of a new era for the nation, the West, and for Utah. These resources help us understand the many ways the railroad transformed life in Utah.

Utah and U.S. Flag Resources

Resources to help you learn about the United States and Utah flag as well as flag etiquette, flag related lesson plans and student activities.

Utah Cities and Towns

These lessons will provide an understanding of the ways in which geography, history, culture, and tradition have made Utah such a unique and fascinating place to live.

Utah Collections Multimedia Encyclopedia (UCME)

A project designed to give educators, students and the general public ready access to digital collections of Utah-related information and media items, about the history, culture, geography, and landforms of the state.

Utah Counties

This colorful and informative web site explores Utah's 29 counties. You will find interesting facts, photos, and links for each Utah county.

Utah Counties WebQuest

This Utah Counties WebQuest puts you in charge of the family vacation.

Utah History Encyclopedia

The Utah History Encyclopedia is the first complete history of Utah in encyclopedia form, consisting of 575 articles and over 200 historic photographs.

Utah Museums

Utah has some excellent museums all over the state and here is a list of of their web sites.

Utah National Parks

Learn about Utah's 5 National Parks, submit a story about one of the parks, play games, or find resources for educators.

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