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UEN Resources for K-12 Education

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English Language Arts

Argumentative Writing

Here are some resources to help your students improve their argumentative writing skills.

A Toolkit for Struggling Readers

A Guide for Educators

Digital Books

Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USBE staff.

Digital Media Arts

Digital Media Arts Education encompasses digital arts + interconnectivity across all aesthetic, artistic and academic elements, forms, contents, disciplines and domains, for the purposes of learning and creating. 

Elementary Performance Tasks

These Performance Task Templates and Lesson Plans, developed by Utah educators, align to the Elementary Utah Core.

English Language Arts Courses and Resources

Visit UEN's English Language Arts page to view the Utah core and support materials.

Literacy Resources

These literacy resources have been gathered to help District Literacy Coordinators and Instructional Coaches with their professional development activities.

NROC HippoCampus

Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep.

Persuasive / Opinion Writing

A collection of online resources to help students write effective persuasive essays.

Presidential Writings Project

Utah’s secondary educators have designed well scaffolded lessons that support the increased cognitive rigor of the Utah literacy standards. The focus of this project is presidential writings.

Reading and Writing Rubrics

Here "Close Reading Rubrics" and "Argumentative Writing Rubrics" for Secondary English Language Arts.

Sample Student Performance Assessments

These sample assessments for Secondary English Language Arts have been vetted by select Utah Educators and the USBE English Language Arts Specialist.

Text Complexity Rubric for Informational Text

This rubric will help you evaluate the Text Complexity of Informational Text.

Text Complexity Rubric for Literary Text

This rubric was designed to help you evaluate the Text Complexity of Literary Text.

Text Sets and Writing Prompts

Text sets and writing prompts for grades K-12.

Utah's K-12 Literacy Framework

This guide includes strategies for improving literacy achievement and outcomes for children in grades K–12.

Writing Collection Project

Samples for grades K-12 for information and opinion/argument writing.

Young Authors of Utah

A collection of books written and illustrated by Utah students. 

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