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Find eduroam anywhere

You can find eduroam sites throughout Utah, the United States and the world! The links below will take you to a map of sites that offer eduroam or a list of sites that offer eduroam.


Do you love eduroam? Tell us about it.

We love eduroam at UEN, and we bet you do too! If you’ve had a great experience with eduroam, we’d love to hear about it, and we may even share it with the rest of the world.


eduroam for teachers: tips for your travel!

All districts in Utah have different levels and types of filtering in place. You might find you are denied access to apps, sites or material you need when you visit another school. Follow these steps for a more successful eduroam experience.

  1. Please reach out to your IT department to inform them of your travel dates. They may work with other sites to ensure you have access to the tools you need when you arrive.
  2. If possible, test your account at the location a week or a few days prior. Be sure you do a thorough walkthrough of sites and materials you will need to access.
  3. Success! You should arrive on-site with eduroam capabilities and access to your necessary materials.

Contact your district’s IT department to troubleshoot your eduroam network connection.