4. Use of Information
Engage in the source (read, listen, view, touch)
Most likely you will need to read, listen or view your source. If you can't understand any of it, be sure to ask an adult to help you. It's OK not to understand, it's not OK not to ask for help. You are looking for the information you need. You may not need to read, listen to, or view all of your source. You may be able to skip around, finding subheadings and topic sentences (read the first sentences in each paragraph) that will take you to your information.
Take out the relevant information from a source
It's time to take some notes.
by: Barbara A. Jansen - http://big6.com/pages/kids/grades-7-12/big6-writing-process-grades-7-ndash-12.php
Collection of resources:
- Note Taking
- Reading for Information: The Trash-N-Treasure Method of Teaching Note-Taking (Grades 3 - 12)
- Making Note Cards- CRLS Research Guide
- Ideas About Note Taking and Citing Sources
- Creating Subtopic Headings- CRLS Research Guide
- ELI 162 Paraphrasing
- Welcome to LEO: Literacy Education Online
- LEO Using Paraphrases
- LEO Process for Writing a Summary
- Organizing
- Graphic Organizers
- WriteDesign On-Line - Graphic Organizers
- Gliffy: Draw and Share Diagrams
- Source Quality
- Citation
Graphic Organizers for Use of Information
- Continuum: Use to develop time lines and rating scales or to show historical progression.
- Compare and Contrast: Use to compare and contrast information sources.
- Venn Diagram: Use to identify similarities and differences.
The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: www.big6.com