Big 6 Resources

5. Synthesis

Organize information from different sources
Decide how you will put together your notes and add your ideas and insights.
You may:

  • Write a rough draft
  • Build an outline
  • Create a storyboard
  • Draw a sketch

Present the information
If your teacher assigns the product:

  • Make sure that you follow your teacher's guidelines.
  • Add value to the product by including your ideas along with the information you found in books, web sites, and other sources. Make sure that your final product or paper is more than just a summary of what you found in the other sources.
  • Make a product or write a paper that you would be proud for anyone to read.
  • Include a bibliography. This is an alphabetized list of your sources. See the citation page for help.

Reviewing the Results
As students look at their diagrams, notes, or other representations of the information they have collected, encourage them to consider the following questions:

  • Have the most important questions been addressed?
  • Have any new questions arisen?
  • Is there extra or repeated information that can be eliminated?
  • Where are the "holes" in my understanding?
  • Are there other ways to view the information or perspectives I should be considering?

Graphic Organizers
Quotes from the site
"Is a picture worth a thousand words? A graphic organizer forms a powerful visual picture of information and allows the mind 'to see' undiscovered patterns and relationships."

"Graphic Organizers, Mind Maps, Concept Maps are a pictorial or graphical way to organize information and thoughts for understanding, remembering, or writing about. Graphic organizers, mind maps and concept maps are powerful tools that can be used to enhance learning and create a foundation for learning. On the other end, a graphic organizer itself can be the end product or project of a student’s learning experience." View Examples

There is a simple method for creating graphic organizers, it is called paper and pencil. (Crayons, markers, whatever. If you want nicer looking organizers there is great software and even web-based tools to help create graphic organizers:

Additional Sources for Graphic Organizers

Student Products
Essential Question: How can students show what they understand from their research?

Different Ways to Find Out What Students Understand

Make a chart or diagram

Write an analogy

Write and do a rap

Develop an exhibit

Develop a collection

Write a letter to the editor

Participate in a mock trial

Design a game

Create a dance

Write a diary from the perspective of someone else

Conduct a discussion

Design and create a class

Present a news report

Design a Webquest

Critique a book

Create an advertisement

Illustrate a math concept

Judge an event

Create a puppet show

Solve a mystery

Write an essay

Create a multimedia presentation

Conduct an interview

Keep a journal log

Do a self-assessment

Participate in a simulation

Do a demonstration

Create cartoons

Create a report

Make a learning center

Create a poem

Make a book

Create a flow chart

Make a plan

Make a scrapbook

Do a photo essay

Participate in a debate

Give a performance

Make a mural

Draw a blueprint

Create an invention

Make a video

Defend a theory

Create a new product

Make a model

Devise a new recipe

Design a structure

Create a brochure

Do an experiment

Design a structure


Graphic Organizers for Synthesis

The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: