Start with the mayor and city council in your city or town. Most elected officials are pleased to be asked to speak at their local schools.The Utah League of Cities and Towns publishes a number of publications dealing with different aspects municipal government. They are available either free or at a minimum cost. One that is especially helpful to those who want information from throughout the state is The Local Government Officials Directory, that is updated every year. The office of the League is at 50 South 600 East, SLC, 84102. We have a toll-free phone number: 800-852-8528 and a local number; 801-328-1601. You may also want to check out our website at In addition to model ordinances, and legislative updates, the site provide links to the major newspapers statewide.
Your local Association of Governments (there are eight of them throughout the state) collects a great deal of demographical information on each area of the state. They may be a good resource for speakers as well.
Many of the State departments have staff that is specifically charged with assisting and regulating local governments. You can call a department such as the Environmental Health, Community Development, Emergency Management, or Transportation and ask for the person who deals with local concerns.