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Cheese Science

Cheese Careers



The U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce
Recent, Current, and Projected Employment, Wages, and Unemployment


Vermont Cheese Artisan Explores Cheese Science in France

Allison Hooper


Allison Hooper of Vermont discusses artisan cheese making for UEN Cheese Science.


Agriculture and Food Science Careers
(source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Occupational Outlook Handbook 2010-11 Edition)

Faster than average growth is expected as agricultural and food scientists develop new products using biotechnology and work to limit the negative environmental impact of agriculture.

A bachelor's degree in agricultural science is sufficient for most jobs in product development; a master's or Ph.D. degree is generally required for research positions.

Job growth among agricultural and food scientists should be faster than the average for all occupations. Opportunities are expected to be good over the next decade, particularly in food science and technology and in agronomy.


What is a Food Scientist?
Written by Dave Preszler; ET Horn Company

You need only to walk the aisles at your local supermarket to get an idea of everything that must go into putting all those food products on the store shelves.  Each of those items needs to be conceived, created, processed, packaged and sold.  They must be good tasting, nutritious, consistent, safe, and stable.

A Food Scientist studies the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food; the causes of its deterioration; and its further processing.  Food Scientists would develop ways to process the food, preserve it, package it, and store it according to specifications and regulations.

As the name would suggest, a Food Scientist is indeed a scientist. 

Accordingly, the food science course of study would include classes common to many of the sciences such as:
And then there would be coursework more specific to food science like:
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Engineering
  • Food Microbiology
  • Food Analysis
  • Food Processing
  • Product Development
  • Sensory Analysis
  • Nutrition
The study of Food Science is quite a broad field.  There can be considerable specialization within the field.