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June 2002
It's a difficult process, but the state is in good financial condition overall, and like any business or family during a period of economic downturn, we're having to prioritize the things that we do.
May 2002
Utah is among a large number of states as high as 46 states that have significant economic downturns affecting us. Many of these downturns, much of this downturn occurred some months ago there's a lag that occurs naturally...
April 2002
There are a certain number, I think, of legislators who I think have had an appetite to use their override power simply to exercise it in a way that would demonstrate its existence, and there's nothing illegitimate about that.
March 2002
The benefits will be impossible to measure and quantify, but they are undisputably there. I believe we found benefit in at least four areas. The first is that the state improved in almost every area. It's impossible to have an...
January 2002
I think that everyone has a sensitivity to this right now, and that includes Utahns and Americans and people who live around the world. All that is humanly reasonable to do to protect the games has been done, or will be done.
December 2001
Class size would have to be increased, and there would have to be classes that literally were closed. This is a midyear, you can't do that in the middle of the year without literally combining classes and sending a teacher home.
November 2001
It's clear that our revenue projections of about nine months ago won't be met, and so we are managing in a very careful way, week to week really, to determine what the impacts will be.
October 2001
The shortfall in the budget is something that we have seen coming for a time. It obviously needs to be dealt with. I'm anxious to hear the legislature's thoughts about ways we could do that, I'm anxious to collaborate with them...
September 2001
Every 10 years, we go through this exercise. And it's painful. And not very pretty. It reminds me of that television program Survivor. But if you were to go to any state in the country, you'd see the same basic experience.