Standard I Standard II Standard III Standard IV

Objective 1:
Identify how individuals are similar and different.
- Children Just Like Me, by Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley; ISBN: 7894-0201-7
- Different Just Like Me, by Lori Mitchell; ISBN: 0913589659
- Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, by Al Perkins; ISBN: 0001712012
- Hands Around the World, by Susan Milord; ISBN: 0913589659
- Harold and the Purple Crayon, by Crockett Johnson; ISBN: 0064430227
- Hello World, by Fran Manushkin; ISBN: 1-56282-059-1
- Hello, by Betsey Chessen and Samantha Berger; ISBN: 0-439-04560-6
- Hop, Skip, Jump, by Nicola Tuxsworth; ISBN: 075480383X
- I Am America, by Charles R. Smith Jr.; ISBN: 0-439-43179-4
- I Am Me, by Karla Kuskin; ISBN: 0689814739
- I Am, by Rita Milios; ISBN: 051642081X
- It’s Okay to Be Different, by Todd Parr; ISBN: 0316666033
- My Many Colored Days, by Dr. Seuss; ISBN: 067989344X
- My Two Hands/My Two Feet, by Rick Walton; ISBN: 0399233385
- See How I Grow, published by Dorling Kindersley; ISBN: 156458464X
- The Colors of Us, by Karen Katz; ISBN: 0805071636
- The Ear Book, by Al Perkins; ISBN: 0394811992
- The Eye Book, by Theo Lesieg; ISBN: 0001712012
- The Feelings Book, by Todd Parr; ISBN: 0316691313
- The Nose Book, by Al Perkins; ISBN: 0375824936
- Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Days, by Jamie Lee Curtis; ISBN: 0694013439
- Two Eyes, a Nose, and a Mouth, by Roberta Grobel Intrater; ISBN: 9780439116800
- We Are All Alike...We Are All Different, by Cheltenham Elementary School Kindergartners; ISBN: 0590491733
- We’re Different, We’re the Same (Sesame Street), by Bobbi Kates; ISBN: 0679832270
- What is Your Language?, by Debra Leventhal; ISBN: 0-525-45133-1
- When I Was Little, by Jamie Lee Curtis; ISBN: 0064434230
- Whoever You Are, by Mem Fox; ISBN: 0152060308
- Describe and compare characteristics of self and others (e.g., differences in gender, height, language, beliefs, and color of skin, eyes, hair).
- Explain how people change over time (e.g., self, others).
- Demonstrate respect for each individual.
- Explain the elements of culture, including language, dress, food, shelter, and stories.
Objective 2:
Recognize and describe how families have both similar and different characteristics.
- A Chair for My Mother, by Vera B. Williams; ISBN: 0688040748
- A Weekend With Wendell, by Kevin Henkes; ISBN: 06880635X
- All Families Are Special, by Norma Simon and Teresa Flavin; ISBN: 0807521752
- Amazing Grace, by Mary Hoffman; ISBN: 0803710402
- Children Just Like Me, by Dorling Kindersley; ISBN: 0-7894-0201-7
- Children Just Like Me: Celebrations!, by Annabelle Kindersley; ISBN: 0-7894-2027-9
- Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes; ISBN: 0440848121
- Clifford, I See My Dad, by Grace Maccarone; ISBN: 0439405246
- Families are Different, by Nina Pellegrini; ISBN: 0823408876
- Families, by Ann Morriss; ISBN: 0688171982
- Hats Around the World, by Liza Charlesworth; ISBN: 0590549111
- Hooray for Mother’s Day, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat; ISBN: 0823405885
- Houses, by Marcia Fries; ISBN: 1-57471-140-7
- How Many Stars in the Sky?, by Lenny Hort; ISBN: 068815218X
- Hugs and Kisses, by Christophe Loupy; ISBN: 0735819726
- I Love You as Much... ,by Laura Krauss; ISBN: 0060002026
- I Love You Dad, by Iris Arno; ISBN: 0816745269
- I Love You Mom, by Iris Arno; ISBN: 0816744408
- I Love You the Purplest, by Barbara M. Joosse; ISBN: 0811807185
- Julius: The Baby Of The World, by Kevin Henkes; ISBN: 0440844436
- Just Grandma and Me, by Mercer Mayer; ISBN: 0307118932
- Just Me And My Dad, by Mercer Mayer; ISBN: 0307118398
- Just Me And My Mom, by Mercer Mayer; ISBN: 030712584X
- Koala Lou, by Mem Fox; ISBN: 0152000763
- Mama, Do You Love Me!, by Barbara M. Joosse; ISBN: 087701759X
- Me and My Family Tree, by Joan Sweeny; ISBN: 0517885972
- Mi Casa/My House, by Rebecca Emberley; ISBN: 0316234481
- My Mom’s the Best Mom, by Stuart Hample; ISBN: 076111968X
- My Ol’ Man, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 039928225
- My Rotten Readheaded Older Brother, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 0689820364
- Owen, by Kevin Henkes; ISBN: 0688114490
- Some Birthday!, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 0671871706
- Stellaluna, by Janell Cannon; ISBN: 3551515212
- The Bee Tree, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 0698116968
- The Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0679889604
- The Berenstain Bears Are a Family, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0590996959
- The Berenstain Bears, The Week at Grandmas, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0394873351
- The Family Book, by Todd Parr; ISBN: 0316070408
- The Keeping Quilt, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 0689844476
- The New Baby, by Mercer Mayer; ISBN: 0307119424
- This Is My House, by Arthur Dorros; ISBN: 0590453033
- Thunder Cake, by Patricia Polacco; ISBN: 0698115813
- Watch Out! Big Bro’s Coming, by Jez Alborough; ISBN: 0763605840
- Wemberly Worried, by Kevin Henkes; ISBN: 0688170277
- What Dad’s Can’t Do, by Douglas Wood; ISBN: 0689826206
- What Moms Can’t Do, by Douglas Wood; ISBN: 068983358X
- When Lightning Comes In a Jar, by Patrica Polacco; ISBN: 0399231641
- Who’s in a Family?, by Robert Skutch; ISBN: 1883672669
- World in a Supermarket, by Roseanne Lanczak Williams; ISBN: 1-57471-126-1
- Identify family members (i.e., immediate and extended).
- Explain family rules and routines.
- Describe family members' duties and responsibilities within the family.
- Share how families celebrate occasions such as birthdays and holidays.
- Explain how families change over time (i.e., past, present, future).
- Describe ways that families provide love, care, food, shelter, clothing, companionship, and protection.

Objective 1:
Demonstrate appropriate ways to behave in different settings.
- 26 Big Things Small Hands Can Do, by Coleen Paratore; ISBN: 1575421666
- 50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet, by Dennis Denenberg and Lorraine Roscoe; ISBN: 0761395482
- A Color of His Own, by Leo Leonni; ISBN: 0375836977
- A Great Attitude, by Sandi Hill; ISBN: 1574713418
- A Leader’s Guide to We Can Get Along, A Child’s Book of Choices, by Lauren Murphy Payne; ISBN: 15754201407
- A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln, by David A. Adler, John Wallner, and Alexandra Wallner; ISBN: 0823408019
- A Picture Book of George Washington, by David A. Adler, John Wallner, and Alexandra Wallner; ISBN: 0823408000
- A Picture Book of Helen Keller, by David A. Adler, John Wallner, and Alexandra Wallner; ISBN: 0823409503
- A Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr., by David A. Adler and Robert Casilla; ISBN: 0823408477
- A Picture Book of Thomas Alva Edison, by David A. Adler, John Wallner, and Alexandra Wallner; ISBN: 0823408817
- Alicia’s Best Friend, by Lisa Jahn-Clough; ISBN: 0618239510
- Be a Friend, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718274
- Be Polite and Kind, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421518
- Berenstain Bears, The Messy Room, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0394866533
- Dare To Have Courage, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 157471-824X
- Did You See What I Saw? Poems about School, by Kay Winters; ISBN: 0140562656
- Do You Want To Be My Friend?, by Eric Carle; ISBN: 0590223224
- Everyone Is Special and Unique, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718347
- Fish Out of School, by Evelyn Shaw; ISBN: 0437900754
- Following the Rules, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718290
- Friends, by Helme Heine; ISBN: 0689710836
- Frog is a Hero, by Max Velthuijs; ISBN: 1840592028
- Get Out of Bed, by Robert Munch; ISBN: 0439388511
- Hands Are Not For Hitting, by Martine Agassi; ISBN: 1575420775
- Have Fun With American Heroes: Activities, Projects, and Fascinating Facts, by David C. King; ISBN: 0471679046
- Hero Cat, by Eileen Spinelli; ISBN: 0761452230
- How Can I Help, by Christine Hood; ISBN: 1574711245
- I Need A Friend, by Sherry Kafka; ISBN: 0153002840
- If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks, by Faith Ringgold; ISBN: 0689856768
- It’s Mine!, by Leo Lionni; ISBN: 0679880844
- Join and Play, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421526
- Just Schoolin’ Around Saved by the Ball, by Peter Malony; ISBN: 0439395216
- Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler, by Margery Cuyler; ISBN: 0689873441
- Know and Follow Rules, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421305
- Let’s Be Enemies, by Janice May Udry; ISBN: 0064431886
- Listen and Learn, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421232
- Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., by Doreen Rappaport and Bryan Collier; ISBN: 1423106350
- Maxi, The Hero, by Debra Barracca; ISBN: 0140554971
- Me First, by Lynn Munsinger; ISBN: 0395587069
- Mommy, You're My Hero, by Michelle Ferguson Cohen; ISBN: 0972926429
- My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing Up With the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., by Christine King Farris; ISBN: 0689843887
- My Friend and I, by Lisa Jahn-Clough; ISBN: 0618391088
- Never Give Up, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718282
- No David!, by David Shannon; ISBN: 0590930028
- School, by Samantha Berger and Pamela Chanko; ISBN: 0439045533
- Share and Take Turns, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421240
- Sharing Is Caring, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718320
- Show You Understand, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718355
- Superdog: The Heart of a Hero, by Carolyn and Mark Buehner; ISBN: 0439857988
- Swimmy, by Leo Leonni; ISBN: 0394826205
- Talk and Work It Out, by Cheri J. Meiners; ISBN: 1575421763
- Telling the Truth, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718266
- The Adventures of Taxi Dog, by Debra and Sal Barracca; ISBN: 0140566651
- The Berenstain Bears Go to School, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0394937368
- The Berenstain Bears, Trouble at School, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 039487336X
- The Big Book of American Heroes, by Mike Janulewicz; ISBN: 0762403934
- The Gingerbread Boy Retold, by Jim Lawrence
- The Trouble with Friends, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0394873394
- Think Before You Act, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718339
- This is the Way We Go to School, by Laine Falk; ISBN: 0531214400
- Wanted: Best Friend, by A. M. Monson; ISBN: 0439077176
- We Can Get Along, A Child’s Book of Choices, by Lauren Murphy Payne; ISBN: 1575420139
- We Can Share At School, by Roanne Lanczak Williams; ISBN: 1574711253
- Will I Have a Friend?, by Miriam Cohen; ISBN: 0-590466348
- Working Together, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718312
- Would It Be Right?, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718258
- You Can Count On Me, by Regina G. Burch; ISBN: 1574718304
- Explain why families and classrooms have rules (e.g., examples of rules and consequences).
- Demonstrate positive relationships through play and friendship.
- Identify examples of individual honesty and responsibility.
- Identify examples of honesty, responsibility, patriotism, and courage from history, literature, and folklore, as well as from everyday life (e.g., heroes of diverse cultures).
- Demonstrate respect for others, leaders, and the environment.
Objective 2:
Identify and demonstrate safe practices in the home and classroom.
- City Signs, by Zoran Milich; ISBN: 1553377486
- I Read Signs, by Tana Hoban; ISBN: 068807331X
- I Read Symbols, by Tana Hoban; ISBN: 0688166962
- I See a Sign, by Lars Klove; ISBN: 0689807996
- Red, Yellow, Green: What Do Signs Mean?, by Joan Holub; ISBN: 0590134558
- Safety on the School Bus, by Sarah Florence; ISBN: 0823981118
- Schools Help us Learn, by Lee Sullivan Hill; ISBN: 1575050927
- Recite name, address, and telephone number.
- Follow safety procedures for school emergencies (e.g., fire drill, earthquake, intruder).
- Recognize and explain common traffic symbols.
- Identify school personnel to whom students can go to for help or safety.
- Identify and articulate the purpose and role of authority figures (e.g., parents, secretary, principal, teacher, librarian, police officers, firefighters, tribal leaders).
Objective 3:
Investigate and explain how symbols and songs unite families and classmates.
- A is for Arches: A Utah Alphabet, by Becky Hall; ISBN: 1-58536-096-1
- Across America, I Love You, by Christine Loomis; ISBN: 0439235901
- Alphie Gets in First, by Shirley Hughes; ISBN: 1862307830
- America a Patriotic Primer, by Lynn Cheney; ISBN: 043945994X
- America the Beautiful, by Katharine Lee Bates; ISBN: 0439333024
- America’s Symbols, by Judith Bauer Stamper; ISBN: 1400733316
- At Play in the Community, by Judy Nayer; ISBN: 1400733073
- Big Dig: A Pop-Up Construction! Let’s go to Work!, by Paul Stickland; ISBN: 1857142497
- Celebrate the 50 States!, by Loreen Leedy; ISBN: 0823416313
- Celebrating Patriotic Holidays, by Joel Kupperstein; ISBN: 1574715747
- Freedom for All, by Janet Palazzo-Craig; ISBN: 0816774749
- I Am America, by Charles R. Smith, Jr.; ISBN: 0439740401
- I Jog Around-Learning the J Sound, by Maryann Thomas; ISBN: 0823959325
- I Pledge Allegiance, by Bill Martin, Jr. and Michael Sampson; ISBN: 0763625272
- I Read Symbols, by Tana Hoban; ISBN: 0688023320
- I Went Walking, by Sue Williams; ISBN: 0152380116
- If I Were President, by Catherine Stier; ISBN: 0807535427
- L is for Liberty, by Wendy Cheyette Lewison; ISBN: 0448432285
- Me on the Map, by Joan Sweeny; ISBN: 0517885573
- My Country Tis of Thee, by Samual Francis Smith; ISBN: 0439391954
- My Dentist, by Harlow Rockwell; ISBN: 068807040X
- My Walk, by Zoe Sharp; ISBN: 0792284682
- O' Say Can You See, by Sheila Keenan; ISBN: 043942450X
- On the Move, by Ming Tan; ISBN: 0792284909
- Our American Flag, by Mary Firestone; ISBN: 1404822186
- Purple Mountain Majesties, by Barbara Younger; ISBN: 0142301817
- Red White and Blue, by Susan Canizares; ISBN: 0439045649
- Red, White, and Blue – The Story of the American Flag, by John Herman; ISBN: 0439429854
- Red, White, Blue, and Uncle Who? The Stories Behind Some of America's Patriotic Symbols, by Teresa Bateman; ISBN: 0823417840
- The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0394848357
- The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0812429729
- The Berenstain Bears’ New Neighbors, by Stan & Jan Berenstain; ISBN: 0780746945
- The Best Vacation Ever, by Stuart J. Murphy; ISBN: 0064467066
- The Flag We Love, by Pam Munoz Ryan; ISBN: 0-88106-844-6
- The Pledge of Allegiance (Troll), by Kristine Lombardi Frankel; ISBN: 0816774986
- The Pledge of Allegiance, by Francis Bellamy; ISBN: 0439216729
- The Star Spangled Banner, by Francis Scott Key; ISBN: 0439407672
- The Star-Spangled Banner, Dragonfly Books; ISBN: 0440406978
- The Statue of Liberty, by Lucille Recht Penner; ISBN: 0439491452
- This is the Place!: A Crossroads of Utah's Past, by Pat and Will Bagley; ISBN: 1-885628-25-0
- This Land is My Land, by George Littlechild; ISBN: 0892391847
- This Land is Your Land, by Woody Guthrie; ISBN: 0316042722
- Utah Atlas: Geography and History, by Cliff B. Craig & M. Elijah Carr; ISBN: 1-4236-0075-4
- Why I’m Proud to be an American (Troll), ISBN: 0816775001
- Identify school systems and traditions (e.g., mascot, song, events).
- Recognize state and national symbols (e.g., state and national flags, bald eagle, seagull, Statue of Liberty).
- Learn and sing state and U.S. patriotic songs.
- Identify the people and events honored in Utah and U.S. commemorative holidays.
- Know the words and meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Identify the rules and etiquette of citizenship (e.g., stand for the flag, hand over heart).

- Beginning Geography: Continents and Oceans, by Evan-Moore Educational Publishing; ISBN: 1557992541
- Beginning Map Skills, Evan-Moor Educational Publishers; ISBN: 1-55799-528-1
- Map Skills, by Renee Cummings; ISBN: 1-56822-636-5
- Mega Fun Map Skills, by Catherine M. Tamblyn; ISBN: 0-590-18798-8
- Scholastic Atlas Of The World, by Scholastic Reference; ISBN: 0-439-52797-X
- Scholastic Success with Maps, by Linda W. Beech; ISBN: 0439338239
- Social Studies Made Simple, Frank Schaffer Publications; ISBN: 0-7647-0173-8
- The Children’s World Atlas, by Barnes and Noble Books; ISBN: 0-7607-5929-4
- The Nystrom Nystronaut Atlas, by Herff Jones, Inc.; ISBN: 0-7825-0662-3
Objective 1:
Identify geographic terms that describe their surroundings.
- Can You Read a Map, by Rozanne Lanczak Williams; ISBN: 1574711229
- Follow That Map! A First Book of Mapping Skills, by Scot Ritchie; ISBN: 978-1-55453-274-2
- Helping Your Child with Maps and Globes, by Bruce Frazee & William Guardia; ISBN: 1596472340
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation, by Mark Teague; ISBN: 0517885565
- How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, by Majorie Priceman; ISBN: 0-679-88083-6
- Mapping Penny’s World, by Loreen Leedy; ISBN: 0805072624
- Maps and Globes, by Jack Knowlton; ISBN: 0064460495
- Maps, by Joellyn Thrall Cicciarelli; ISBN: 1574711342
- Maps, Maps, Maps, by Joan Chapman Rosen; ISBN: 1404262113
- Me on the Map, by Joan Sweeny; ISBN: 0517887773
- My Father’s Dragon, by Ruth Stiles Gannett; ISBN: 1449548415
- My Map Book, by Sara Fanelli; ISBN: 0060264551
- The Amazing Pop-up Geography Book, by Kate Petty & Jennie Maizels; ISBN: 0-525-46438-7
- Toot and Puddle, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36552-1
- Toot and Puddle: I’ll be Home for Christmas, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36623-4
- Toot and Puddle: Top of the World, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36513-0
- Toot and Puddle: Wish You Were Here, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36602-1
- Where Are You Going?, by Kimberlee Graves and Rozanne Lanczak Williams; ISBN: 091611936X
- Locate objects in the classroom using the terms near/far, left/right, behind/in front, and up/down.
- Identify and describe physical features (e.g., mountain/hill, lake/ocean, river, road/highway).
- Make a simple map (e.g., home, home to school, classroom).
Objective 2:
Describe the purpose of a map or globe.
- Helping Your Child with Maps and Globes, by Bruce Frazee & William Guardia; ISBN: 1596472340
- How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, by Majorie Priceman; ISBN: 0-679-88083-6
- Looking at Maps and Globes (Rookie Read-Aloud Geography), by Wil Mara; ISBN: 0516259822
- Maps and Globes, by Jack Knowlton; ISBN: 0064460495
- Maps, Maps, Maps, by Joan Chapman Rosen; ISBN: 1404262113
- Me on the Map, by Joan Sweeny; ISBN: 0517887773
- My Father’s Dragon, by Ruth Stiles Gannett; ISBN: 1449548415
- My Map Book, by Sara Fanelli; ISBN: 0060264551
- The Amazing Pop-up Geography Book, by Kate Petty & Jennie Maizels; ISBN: 0-525-46438-7
- Toot and Puddle, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36552-1
- Toot and Puddle: I’ll be Home for Christmas, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36623-4
- Toot and Puddle: Top of the World, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36513-0
- Toot and Puddle: Wish You Were Here, by Holly Hobbie; ISBN: 0-316-36602-1
- Identify maps and globes.
- Distinguish between land and water on maps and globes.
- Determine a location by using terms such as near/far, up/down, right/left.
- Identify cardinal directions on a map.

Objective 1:
Recognize that people have basic needs (food, shelter, and clothing) and wants (toys, games, treats).
- Need it or Want it?, by John Serrano; ISBN: 160719323X
- Needs and Wants, by Gillia M. Olson; ISBN: 1429617071
- The Bag I'm Taking to Grandma's, by Shirley Neitsel; ISBN: 0688158404
- What Do I Need, by Bobbie Kalman; ISBN: 0778794806
- Identify the difference between basic wants and needs.
- Explain that families have needs and wants.
- Describe how basic human needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, can be met.
Objective 2:
Explain that people have jobs and earn money to meet their needs.
- A Three Hat Day, by Laura Geringer and Arnold Lobel; ISBN: 0064431576
- Caps for Sale, by Esphyr Slobodkina; ISBN: 0064433137
- Hats, Hats, Hats (Around the World Series), by Ann Morris; ISBN: 0688122744
- Helpers in My Community, by Bobbie Kalman; ISBN: 0778794881
- My Town, by Rebecca Treays; ISBN: 0746030797
- What is a Community? From A to Z, by Bobbie Kalman; ISBN: 0865054142
- Whose Hat is This?, by Sharon Katz Cooper; ISBN: 1404919762
- Identify the jobs in the home and in the school.
- Explain why people work (i.e., to earn money to buy the things that they need or want).
- Describe different types of jobs that people do and the tools and equipment that they use.
- Recognize various forms of United States coins and currency.

The Online Standards Resource pages are a collaborative project between the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah Education Network. If you would like to recommend a high quality resource, contact Robert Austin.