UEN » Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom » Health » Health Education - UEN

Health Education

Activities at the Apply Level

Learners show, diagram, classify, discover, examine, demonstrate, interpret, sketch, illustrate, solve, and use information in a new situation

Work with a partner.  Lie down on a length of butcher paper and have your partner trace the outline of your body.  Gather information about a body system of your choice.  Use the body outline to demonstrate your amazing knowledge of the system that you chose.  Using the body outline, diagram the flow of food through the digestive system OR illustrate the nervous system beginning with the brain and spinal cord to the pathway of nerves OR show the complete circulatory system with the heart, arteries, and veins.
When we exercise, our muscles require extra oxygen in order to keep going.  As a result, our heart pumps faster in order to supply our muscles with the necessary additional oxygen.  We also breathe faster in order to take in more oxygen.  Take your pulse.  Record your heart rate as measured through your pulse doing a variety of different activities such as sitting quietly, walking, running, doing jumping jacks, etc. Make a chart to demonstrate the relationship between physical activity and heart rate.
One of the jobs of bones is to protect our vital organs.  Examine images of various bones in the human body and determine what organs to those bones protect.
Bones Which organs do they protect?
Mr. Skeleton
Duplicate and cut out the bones from this website.  Using metal brads, put the skeleton together in its proper order.
Create a chart of each part of the digestive system and the role that it plays when we eat an apple.  Include (1) the mouth (2) the esophagus (3) the stomach (4) the small intestine (5) the large intestine (6) the rectum.
–Optical illusions have to do with how our brains interpret visual cues.  Do some research and gather a collection of optical illusions (check your school library or the internet) and examine how optical illusions work.
–Make a list of all the major organs of the body.  Classify each organ into the main body system where it belongs.
Develop a flow chart to illustrate the functions of the digestive system.
–Use concept mapping software such as Inspiration or Lucidchart and create a map of the major human body systems.  In the map, include the parts of the system and its functions.  Be sure and show any interconnectivity between the systems.
––With a partner, create a set of flash cards about one of the major body systems.  Use your flash cards to study and review about the digestive system or the skeletal system or the muscular system.