UEN » Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom » Animal Adaptations » Animal Adaptations - UEN

Animal Adaptations

Activities at the Evaluate Level

Learners assess, test, justify, critique, rate, defend, prioritize, recommend, decide, choose, monitor, determine, and make judgments

Form several classroom scientific panels and discuss how the different shapes of birds’ beaks might help them be successful in their environment and help them find and eat their food.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and defend an endangered animal in your area.  Describe its adaptations that have helped it be successful in its environment.  Request public support for protection of this animal.
Evaluate what life would be like for a specific animal if it did not have physical adaptations to help it be successful in its environment.  For example, determine what life would be like for a duck if it did not have webbed feet or for an eagle if it did not have sharp talons or for an owl if it did not have soft wing feathers to help it fly silently.