Anne Frank in the World, 1929 - 1945 Teacher Workbook
Lessons From The Holocaust
Overview of Historical Concepts
- The World Between the Wars
- The Treaty of Versailles
- The 1920s
- Onset of the Depression
- Germany Between the
- The Weimar Republic
- Hitler's Rise to Power
- National Socialism
- Appeal to the Masses
- Rise of the Third Reich
- The Politics of Hate/Pre-War Nazi
- History of Anti-Semitism
- The Holocaust
- The Nuremberg Laws
- Isolation
- The Ghettos 1939 -1945
- Concentration and
- Work Camps
- Concentration Camps
- The Final Solution
- Resistance
- Bystanders and Rescuers 1938 -
- No Safe Haven
- Jews in Hiding
- Rescuers
- Denmark
- The United States
- Righteous Gentiles
- Liberation
- Survivors - The most effective
tools in teaching the Holocaust are the survivors
who bring the Holocaust to life. Oral history
testimonies are a vital link to the past.
My students need that connection that lets
them know that the Holocaust is not just
statistics, but an event that happened to
real people.
- Echoes of the Holocaust
- War Crimes Trials
- Declaration of Human Rights
- Effects on the future
- Remembering
- Rise of the State of Israel
- Lessons for our time
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- War Crimes Trials
Days of Remembrance
1997 - May
4, Sunday
1998 - April 23, Thursday
1999 - April 13, Tuesday
2000 - May 2, Tuesday