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Talking Black In America - Social Justice

TALKING BLACK IN AMERICA - SOCIAL JUSTICE reveals linguistic discrimination on Black Language speakers in education, work, housing, and more while also celebrating the cultural impact Black Language has had on America and the world.

Talking Black In America - Social Justice  
  • Thursday, February 6
    9:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    TALKING BLACK IN AMERICA - SOCIAL JUSTICE reveals linguistic discrimination on Black Language speakers in education, work, housing, and more while also celebrating the cultural impact Black Language has had on America and the world.
  • Thursday, February 13
    2:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    TALKING BLACK IN AMERICA - SOCIAL JUSTICE reveals linguistic discrimination on Black Language speakers in education, work, housing, and more while also celebrating the cultural impact Black Language has had on America and the world.


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