What's On UEN-TV


Japan's Master Gardeners

Japanese gardens have long captivated people around the world. This program follows the master gardeners chasing perfection at the Adachi Museum of Art and the Katsura Imperial Villa.

  • Saturday, January 4
    5:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    Japanese gardens have long captivated people around the world. This program follows the master gardeners chasing perfection at the Adachi Museum of Art and the Katsura Imperial Villa.
  • Saturday, January 4
    11:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    Japanese gardens have long captivated people around the world. This program follows the master gardeners chasing perfection at the Adachi Museum of Art and the Katsura Imperial Villa.
  • Sunday, January 5
    5:10 am on NHK 9.4
    Japanese gardens have long captivated people around the world. This program follows the master gardeners chasing perfection at the Adachi Museum of Art and the Katsura Imperial Villa.
  • Sunday, January 5
    11:10 am on NHK 9.4
    Japanese gardens have long captivated people around the world. This program follows the master gardeners chasing perfection at the Adachi Museum of Art and the Katsura Imperial Villa.


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