What's On UEN-TV


To Feel The Earth and Touch The Sky: Living The Legacy of American Modern Dance

TO FEEL THE EARTH AND TOUCH THE SKY is a film highlighting the boundary breaking figures in the evolution of American Modern Dance. Iconoclasts in their own time, they have become icons in ours.

To Feel The Earth and Touch The Sky: Living The Legacy of American Modern Dance  
  • Sunday, January 5
    7:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    TO FEEL THE EARTH AND TOUCH THE SKY is a film highlighting the boundary breaking figures in the evolution of American Modern Dance. Iconoclasts in their own time, they have become icons in ours.
  • Sunday, January 12
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    TO FEEL THE EARTH AND TOUCH THE SKY is a film highlighting the boundary breaking figures in the evolution of American Modern Dance. Iconoclasts in their own time, they have become icons in ours.


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