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Sominsai (Nhk)

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  • Sunday, December 1
    12:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    This year saw the end of Sominsai, a festival in which loinclothed men plunge into freezing water, are enveloped in smoke, and jostle through the night to grasp a lucky sack as a form of prayer.
  • The End of a 1000-Year-Old Festival
    Sunday, December 1
    6:10 am on NHK 9.4
    This year saw the end of Sominsai, a unique festival in which loinclothed men plunge into freezing water, are enveloped in smoke, and jostle through the night to grasp a lucky sack as a form of prayer.
  • The End of a 1000-Year-Old Festival
    Sunday, December 1
    12:10 am on NHK 9.4
    This year saw the end of Sominsai, a unique festival in which loinclothed men plunge into freezing water, are enveloped in smoke, and jostle through the night to grasp a lucky sack as a form of prayer.
  • Saturday, November 30
    6:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    This year saw the end of Sominsai, a festival in which loinclothed men plunge into freezing water, are enveloped in smoke, and jostle through the night to grasp a lucky sack as a form of prayer.