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The Great Kanto Earthquake - Three Days of Ruin In Tokyo

A century after the Great Kanto Earthquake, previously unknown details have been extracted from newly 8k rematered and colorized footage, vividly demonstrating how Tokyo citizens faced the disaster.

  • Part 2
    Sunday, September 1
    12:10 am on NHK 9.4
    Even after the quake itself subsided, the tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake was only beginning. An unlikely "fire tornado" consumed a site where 40,000 evacuees had gathered, leaving few survivors. Meanwhile, emotionally exhausted people began to spread baseless rumors that fueled erratic behavior and violence against foreign residents. Part 2 of the documentary follows the timeline of the aftermath and beyond, applying the century-old vision of Tokyo to the modern era.
  • Part 2
    Sunday, September 1
    6:10 am on NHK 9.4
    Even after the quake itself subsided, the tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake was only beginning. An unlikely "fire tornado" consumed a site where 40,000 evacuees had gathered, leaving few survivors. Meanwhile, emotionally exhausted people began to spread baseless rumors that fueled erratic behavior and violence against foreign residents. Part 2 of the documentary follows the timeline of the aftermath and beyond, applying the century-old vision of Tokyo to the modern era.
  • Part 2
    Sunday, September 1
    12:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    Even after the quake itself subsided, the tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake was only beginning. An unlikely "fire tornado" consumed a site where 40,000 evacuees had gathered, leaving few survivors. Meanwhile, emotionally exhausted people began to spread baseless rumors that fueled erratic behavior and violence against foreign residents. Part 2 of the documentary follows the timeline of the aftermath and beyond, applying the century-old vision of Tokyo to the modern era.


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  • Part 2
    Saturday, August 31
    6:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    Even after the quake itself subsided, the tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake was only beginning. An unlikely "fire tornado" consumed a site where 40,000 evacuees had gathered, leaving few survivors. Meanwhile, emotionally exhausted people began to spread baseless rumors that fueled erratic behavior and violence against foreign residents. Part 2 of the documentary follows the timeline of the aftermath and beyond, applying the century-old vision of Tokyo to the modern era.
  • Part 1
    Sunday, August 25
    12:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    100 years have passed since the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Although filmed records of its aftermath exist, the footage held flaws making it difficult to identify locations or times, obscuring the reality of how citizens of Tokyo faced this overwhelming disaster. To understand these details, we remastered the film into 8K resolution, and attempted to colorize it, while also making full use of audio accounts by survivors and a variety of scientific analyses by specialists. This program opens a new window into the events surrounding the disaster that had once been shrouded in mystery.
  • Part 1
    Sunday, August 25
    6:10 am on NHK 9.4
    100 years have passed since the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Although filmed records of its aftermath exist, the footage held flaws making it difficult to identify locations or times, obscuring the reality of how citizens of Tokyo faced this overwhelming disaster. To understand these details, we remastered the film into 8K resolution, and attempted to colorize it, while also making full use of audio accounts by survivors and a variety of scientific analyses by specialists. This program opens a new window into the events surrounding the disaster that had once been shrouded in mystery.
  • Part 1
    Sunday, August 25
    12:10 am on NHK 9.4
    100 years have passed since the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Although filmed records of its aftermath exist, the footage held flaws making it difficult to identify locations or times, obscuring the reality of how citizens of Tokyo faced this overwhelming disaster. To understand these details, we remastered the film into 8K resolution, and attempted to colorize it, while also making full use of audio accounts by survivors and a variety of scientific analyses by specialists. This program opens a new window into the events surrounding the disaster that had once been shrouded in mystery.
  • Part 1
    Saturday, August 24
    6:10 pm on NHK 9.4
    100 years have passed since the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Although filmed records of its aftermath exist, the footage held flaws making it difficult to identify locations or times, obscuring the reality of how citizens of Tokyo faced this overwhelming disaster. To understand these details, we remastered the film into 8K resolution, and attempted to colorize it, while also making full use of audio accounts by survivors and a variety of scientific analyses by specialists. This program opens a new window into the events surrounding the disaster that had once been shrouded in mystery.