What's On UEN-TV


Jackass Love

Volunteers saving donkeys from American "kill farms," where the abused, abandoned creatures are collected from auctions and transported out of the country to be butchered for their meat and skins, find healing for themselves in their efforts to heal the broken creatures.

Jackass Love  
  • Friday, January 31
    8:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Volunteers saving donkeys from American "kill farms," where the abused, abandoned creatures are collected from auctions and transported out of the country to be butchered for their meat and skins, find healing for themselves in their efforts to heal the broken creatures.
  • Friday, February 7
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Volunteers saving donkeys from American "kill farms," where the abused, abandoned creatures are collected from auctions and transported out of the country to be butchered for their meat and skins, find healing for themselves in their efforts to heal the broken creatures.


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