What's On UEN-TV


The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends (Nhk)

Puppet action show for children. In a distant post-human future where surviving creatures have formed a community, new-breed dinosaur girl Rockie sets out on hilarious adventures with her schoolmates.

  • Friday, January 17
    8:40 pm on NHK 9.4
    No description available.
  • Saturday, January 18
    3:40 am on NHK 9.4
    No description available.
  • Friday, January 24
    8:40 pm on NHK 9.4
    No description available.
  • Saturday, January 25
    3:40 am on NHK 9.4
    No description available.
  • Friday, January 31
    8:40 pm on NHK 9.4
    No description available.


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