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Hupa Fire: Traditional and Cultural Fire Management

The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.

  • Wednesday, January 22
    6:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Thursday, February 6
    11:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Friday, February 7
    5:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.


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  • Sunday, December 15
    4:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Saturday, December 14
    10:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Sunday, December 1
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Wednesday, November 20
    5:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Tuesday, November 19
    11:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.
  • Sunday, November 17
    6:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    The Hoopa Fire Department, tells the story of how traditional fire burning or cultural burns helped California prevent major fires. This story is told by Hupa culture keepers who have firsthand accounts of their relationship to fire.