What's On UEN-TV


Let's Learn

Let's Learn is an educational public television series for children ages 3 to 8, featuring lessons by educators, STEM specialists, teaching artists, and others. 130 one-hour programs include instruction in literacy, math, science, social studies and the arts to supplement at-home learning. The series also supports social-emotional learning and 2 brings viewers on virtual field trips to see dance performances, meet animals, visit botanical gardens and more.

Let's Learn  
  • Environment Starts with Short E!
    Monday, December 23
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Travel around the world, learn about addition and subtraction, read ENEMY PIE, blend and decode short e, qu, x, z. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Question?
    Tuesday, December 24
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about number bonds and what makes you unique, read LLAMA DESTROYS THE WORLD, blend and practice short e, qu, x, and z. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Short E In Level?
    Wednesday, December 25
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn to use spatial language, make non-dairy ice cream, read MY FRIENDS, segment sounds and review short e, qu, x, and z. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Word and Hand Both End with D!
    Thursday, December 26
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Play math games, learn how to use a compass rose, read MY BROTHER CHARLIE, blend/decode words ending with d, f, l, s, and z. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with athome learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • The Middle Sound In Plus and Bug Is Short U!
    Friday, December 27
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about shapes in buildings, middle sounds, double consonants, and what the equal sign means; read SPRING IS HERE. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Class?
    Monday, December 30
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn how citizens can change laws, sing about the letter M, read MAMA, LOOK!, explore ways to make 10, review double consonants. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Shape Starts with Sh!
    Tuesday, December 31
    12:01 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet a tailless whip scorpion, draw patterns, read POLAR BEAR'S UNDERWEAR and WORDS ARE NOT FOR HURTING, blend/decode words with sh. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Sh In Wish?
    Wednesday, January 1
    12:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Visit parts of a neighborhood, learn about feelings and friends, count 1-10, read THE MANY COLORS OF HARPREET SINGH and COUNT ON ME. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Little and Line Both Begin with L!
    Thursday, January 2
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Take a line for a walk, count with trains, read A BIG SURPRISE FOR LITTLE CARD, review digraph sh. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Cheer Starts with Ch!
    Friday, January 3
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Do a job dance, put numbers together, read ROUND TRIP, blend/decode words with ch. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Cl and Ap Make Clap!
    Monday, January 6
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about basic needs for humans and other animals, sing "Bell Horses," read ASTRO GIRL, explore the digraph ch. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Chart Starts with Ch!
    Tuesday, January 7
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Explore beats vs. rhythm, build a raft to carry toy animals, learn about fractions, read ALL ABOUT LIGHT, review digraph ch. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Chart Starts with Ch!
    Wednesday, January 8
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about facades and community service, read HOW MANY STARS IN THE SKY?, decode words with th & wh. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Thin and Thick Both Start with Th!
    Thursday, January 9
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about animal shelters, create a dance map, read OVER AND UNDER THE POND, practice digraphs th & wh. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Tch In Watch?
    Friday, January 10
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Sing "Five Little Pumpkins," take a closer look at facades, read IVY AND THE LONELY RAIN CLOUD, review digraphs th & wh. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Splash?
    Monday, January 13
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Draw shapes and colors you find at home, use + to write an addition equation, read JABARI JUMPS, decode initial blends with s.
  • Slow and Fast Are Opposites!
    Tuesday, January 14
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about musical opposites, write equations to show addition, read MISS DOROTHY AND HER BOOK MOBILE, blend sounds & practice initial blends with s.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Square?
    Wednesday, January 15
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Transform paper, learn about building facade shapes, read FRIENDSHAPE, segment sounds and review initial blends with s.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Glass?
    Thursday, January 16
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Sing a song from Colombia, explore building materials, read WHY AM I ME?, blend and decode words with initial blends with l.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Plants?
    Friday, January 17
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make a collage character, sing about a houseplant, identify circles and triangles, read COME ON, RAIN, blend sounds and practice initial blends with l.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Play?
    Monday, January 20
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Sing Irish and Zulu songs, read RUBY FINDS A WORRY and MR. LINCOLN'S WHISKERS, review initial blends with l. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Brick?
    Tuesday, January 21
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about space for nature, look closely at building materials, read MOMMA'S WORK SHOES, blend and decode initial blends with r. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Brave?
    Wednesday, January 22
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make a thermometer, move to music like animals, read PERFECTLY NORMAN, practice initial blends with r. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Crunch?
    Thursday, January 23
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about different kinds of communities, set a table for a party, read ALFIE, review initial blends with r. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Bump?
    Friday, January 24
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Play bottle cap hockey, sing songs from around the world, read HOW DO YOU WOKKA WOKKA?, decode words with final blends. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Rock?
    Monday, January 27
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about public and private spaces, compare "more than" and "same as," read I GOT THE RHYTHM, practice final blends. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Strong?
    Tuesday, January 28
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Measure how high different balls bounce, read HARBOR, review final blends, learn a technique to handle stress. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Long E In Here?
    Wednesday, January 29
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about primary colors and what animals eat, read WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS, blend and decode long e, i, o. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Long I In Size and Right?
    Thursday, January 30
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn to sort things you find in nature, mix colors, read TRUCK¸ practice long e, I, o. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • M and Ap Make Map!
    Friday, January 31
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about maps and protecting the environment, read MACHINES AT WORK, blend and decode 's. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long E In Sleeping?
    Monday, February 3
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Explore maps and what make makes animals happy, read HUSH, review long e, I, o. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Long A In Taste?
    Tuesday, February 4
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Find a secret hidden number, do a taste test, read BE A FRIEND, blend and decode long a. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Long A In Play?
    Wednesday, February 5
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about coding, celebrate an owl's birthday, read TITO PUENTE, MAMBO KING. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Soft C In Celebrate?
    Thursday, February 6
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn magic tricks, how to make scary sounds, & why families are important, read ABC NYC. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long A In Rainbow?
    Friday, February 7
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Explore rhythms using food, identify hexagons, read BLACK IS A RAINBOW, review long a. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Fl and Y Make Fly!
    Monday, February 10
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Compare using "fewer than" and "same as," read THE BOY AND THE BINDI and WE ARE THE DINOSAURS. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Write?
    Tuesday, February 11
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Sing with solfege, read POUT POUT FISH and WHEN SOPHIE GETS MAD, learn about silent letters kn and wr. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long I In Time?
    Wednesday, February 12
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about how animals stay healthy, practice more/less/same, read SKIP THROUGH THE SEASONS, review long I, o. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long U In Unique?
    Thursday, February 13
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about plants and shapes, read ALL THE WAYS TO BE SMART, blend/decode long u, e. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Long E In Here?
    Friday, February 14
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make bouncing bubbles, play "traffic jam," sing traveling music, read HOW A SEED GROWS, practice long u and e sounds in words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Soft G In Page?
    Monday, February 17
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make a heart map, explore rhythm/beat, identify solid figures, read BOOK FIESTA, read words with soft g. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Map Rhymes with Clap!
    Tuesday, February 18
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about animal homes, sing forte and piano, read THE FAVORITE BOOK, rhyme and review long u and e sounds in words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long E In Cheer?
    Wednesday, February 19
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn how animals have fun, create sets of objects that have the same number, read FIRE! FUEGO! BRAVE BOMBEROS, blend/decode long e sounds in words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Speak and Green Both Have Long E!
    Thursday, February 20
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet dinosaurs, explore melodies, read GREEN IS A CHILI PEPPER, practice the long e sound. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Short E In Head?
    Friday, February 21
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Be a plant and feelings detective, read SAVING GRANDDADDY'S STORIES: RAY HICKS, THE VOICE OF APPALACHIA, learn about short e. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with athome learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Heat Rhymes with Repeat!
    Monday, February 24
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn how animals stay warm and cool, explore your identity, read PHYLLIS WANTS TO GO TO SCHOOL, review long e. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long A In Way?
    Tuesday, February 25
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Explore shapes and patterns, read HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH and MARIA LA SÚPER AYUDANTE/ MARIA THE SUPER HELPER, blend and decode long a. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Apostrophe In Let's?
    Wednesday, February 26
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn how animals communicate their emotions, change shapes into forms, read THE THING ABOUT BEES, focus on contractions. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long A In Plane?
    Thursday, February 27
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make a little lava lamp, learn how to scat, read YOUR VOICE IS YOUR SUPERPOWER, review long a sounds and contractions. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Long O In Road?
    Friday, February 28
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Build a neighborhood, learn a song from Ghana, read OOKO, decode long o vowel teams. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.


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  • Can You Hear The Short I In Little?
    Friday, December 20
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Code without a computer, breathe deeply, read BIG PAPA AND THE TIME MACHINE. Code without a computer, make groups of objects equal, breathe deeply, read BIG PAPA AND THE TIME MACHINE, review short I, o, u, w, j, y, and v. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Jog?
    Thursday, December 19
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about the core unit in patterns and human-made resources, read RUBY'S BIRDS, blend sounds and practice short o, w, j, y, and v. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Short U In Sunny?
    Wednesday, December 18
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Keep track of the weather, play domino parking lot, read LEO THE LATE BLOOMER, blend and decode short u, w, j, y, and v. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Construct?
    Tuesday, December 17
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about computer programming and buildings, read THE BUS FOR US and I JUST LIKE YOU, segment sounds, review short o, l, and h. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with athome learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Box and Fox Both Have Short O!
    Monday, December 16
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make vehicles from shapes, do a touch box experiment, read DUMP TRUCK DISCO, blend sounds and practice short o, l, and h. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Hear The Short O In Lots?
    Friday, December 13
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Sort shapes, learn about the 5 senses, read THE LITTLE GUYS, blend and decode short o, I, h. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Kind?
    Thursday, December 12
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make a cotton ball launcher, learn 4 basic shapes, read BABY RADAR, segment sounds and review short I, g, k. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • I Is for Insect!
    Wednesday, December 11
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about bees and pollination, acting for singers, and feeling sizes; read MAMA ZOOMS; blend sounds and practice short i, g, and k. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • B and Ig Make Big!
    Tuesday, December 10
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about plants and buildings, read THIS IS THE WAY WE GO TO SCHOOL, blend and decode short i, g, k. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Short 'I' In Imaginative?
    Monday, December 9
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make slime, be a clown, find patterns, read LOVELY, listen for sounds in words and review short i and r, f, & final s. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Sounds Do You Hear In Kids?
    Friday, December 6
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Launch balloon rockets, learn about shapes, read ESCARGOT, blend and segment sounds, practice short i r, f, & final s. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Letters Do You See In Find?
    Thursday, December 5
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Think like a computer, make a cloud dance, read NERDY BABIES: OCEAN, blend and decode short i, r, f, & final s. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Day and Dog Start with D!
    Wednesday, December 4
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Be a beat boss, tell time, make a balloon blow itself up, read OUR FAVORITE DAY. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Count Rhymes with Amount!
    Tuesday, December 3
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Thank community helpers, learn to measure, rhyme, read IF YOU PLANT A SEED. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Letter Does Create Start with?
    Monday, December 2
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet an emperor scorpion, learn about neighborhood helpers, read A FORT ON THE MOON, blend and decode words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What Letters Do You See In Heart?
    Friday, November 29
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make ice cream, read I REALLY WANT TO SEE YOU, GRANDMA!, listen for sounds in words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Cape Rhymes with Shape!
    Thursday, November 28
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Be a plant champion, play in the shadows, do a shape dance, read VROOM, learn about computers, practice rhyming. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Can You Find The Short A In Fast?
    Wednesday, November 27
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Create a bubble wand and number stories, blend and decode words, read FAST AND SLOW. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • St and Ep Make Step!
    Tuesday, November 26
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Race to the top floor, play Simon Says to blend sounds, learn about our community, read AFTER THE FALL: HOW HUMPTY DUMPTY GOT BACK UP AGAIN. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 7 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Bread and Balloon Start with B!
    Monday, November 25
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make playdough, learn math by sorting, read FRY BREAD, segment sounds in words, learn to trace and breathe. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • St and Op Make Stop!
    Friday, November 22
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Play a shopping game, move to the rhythm of your name, blend sounds to make words, make a mandala in nature, read ZERO LOCAL: NEXT STOP KINDNESS. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Truck and Cluck Have The Same Middle Sound!
    Thursday, November 21
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Listen to classical music with chickens, make funny moves, learn the language of drums, read WANT TO PLAY TRUCKS? LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What's The Middle Sound In Look?
    Wednesday, November 20
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Play a fast and slow game to learn about shapes and numbers, read PRIYA DREAMS OF MARIGOLDS AND MASALA, make paper flowers and string drawings, blend sounds to make words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What's The Middle Sound In Walk?
    Tuesday, November 19
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Take a community walk, explore family culture and customs, read FLYING, learn about middle vowel sounds in words. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What's The Last Sound In Special?
    Monday, November 18
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about samba and why we need to use soap, watch hippo zoolympics, read IT'S OKAY TO BE A UNICORN, play I Spy to find final sounds in words, take a belly breath. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What's The Last Sound In Clap?
    Friday, November 15
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Make new crayons from old ones, practice counting, have fun with body percussion, listen for the sounds at the end of words, read A PLACE TO STAY: A SHELTER STORY. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips
  • More Music Is Alliteration!
    Thursday, November 14
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Discover how to stop apples from browning, learn a song from Cuba, listen for alliteration, read A NEW HOME and STILL A FAMILY: A STORY ABOUT HOMELESSNESS. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • What's The First Sound In Friend?
    Wednesday, November 13
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Do a float/sink experiment, have a picnic inside to learn math, read COLOR DANCE and mix colors in water, play "Feed the Fish" to identify initial word sounds, learn about feelings and friends. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Noneyear and Young Start with Y!
    Tuesday, November 12
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn how snakes and lizards are alike and different, explore shapes, do a freeze dance, read IT'S BATH TIME BABY, practice identifying syllables and writing Y and Z. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • World and Weather Start with W!
    Monday, November 11
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Dress paper dolls to learn math/science, read WIDE BIG WORLD and WHEN MAMA BRAIDS MY HAIR, clap along with syllables, learn letters V, W, X. LET'S LEARN helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Theatre and Ten Start with T!
    Friday, November 8
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Celebrate an owl's birthday, read Bodega Cat, try playwriting, learn about coding, making maracas, and the letters T and U. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Stomp and Story Start with S!
    Thursday, November 7
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Learn about friends and the letters Q, R, S, make a paper bag puppet, read Layla's Happiness, have fun with body percussion. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. Onehour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • People and Purple Start with P!
    Wednesday, November 6
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Explore different places where people and animals live, learn about the letters O and P and how families are diverse, read Red is a Dragon. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Little and Listen Start with L!
    Tuesday, November 5
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Tell a shape story, read I Used to be Famous, practice turning and balancing, learn letters L, M, N. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Kid and Kind Start with K!
    Monday, November 4
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Find out about red wigglers and opera, read Subway, learn letters J and K. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.
  • Hear and High Start with H!
    Friday, November 1
    12:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet chimpanzees, explore scale and proportion, learn about your five senses and letters G, H, I, read Jabari Jumps. Let's Learn helps children ages 3-8 with at-home learning. One-hour programs feature instruction by educators and virtual field trips.