What's On UEN-TV


Voice for the Rivers

The rivers and creeks of Maryland's Eastern Shore once seemed endless havens of beauty and abundance, but today, they are polluted. Water quality is poor. Excess nutrients create algae growth, which chokes out light, oxygen, underwater grasses and estuarine life. A Voice for the Rivers is a half-hour documentary profiling four riverkeepers: dedicated scientists, environmental activists, educators, volunteers, and advocates who work daily to protect and restore the rivers of Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Voice for the Rivers  
  • Monday, December 23
    8:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The rivers and creeks of Maryland's Eastern Shore once seemed endless havens of beauty and abundance, but today, they are polluted. Water quality is poor. Excess nutrients create algae growth, which chokes out light, oxygen, underwater grasses and estuarine life. A Voice for the Rivers is a half-hour documentary profiling four riverkeepers: dedicated scientists, environmental activists, educators, volunteers, and advocates who work daily to protect and restore the rivers of Maryland's Eastern Shore.
  • Monday, December 30
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The rivers and creeks of Maryland's Eastern Shore once seemed endless havens of beauty and abundance, but today, they are polluted. Water quality is poor. Excess nutrients create algae growth, which chokes out light, oxygen, underwater grasses and estuarine life. A Voice for the Rivers is a half-hour documentary profiling four riverkeepers: dedicated scientists, environmental activists, educators, volunteers, and advocates who work daily to protect and restore the rivers of Maryland's Eastern Shore.


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