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Project Echo: A Democracy of Knowledge

Project Echo: A Democracy of Knowledge  
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  • Monday, December 9
    2:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Project ECHO: A Democracy of Knowledge is a documentary about one of the most innovative and far-reaching health initiatives on our planet. It is narrated by Peter Coyote. Project ECHO began In 2003 at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, developed to meet the challenge of an epidemic of hepatitis C, an epidemic caused by heroin addiction. One rural New Mexico county had the highest per capita opiate overdose death rate in the country. Project ECHO used a visually interactive forum, Zoom-like technology, to train primary care clinicians to treat hepatitis C and opiate addiction in their own communities, rather than refer them for distant and costly specialty care in Albuquerque. The model worked for treating hepatitis C, and it has now been used successfully around the world to treat more than 70 different chronic diseases and conditions.
  • Monday, December 2
    9:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Project ECHO: A Democracy of Knowledge is a documentary about one of the most innovative and far-reaching health initiatives on our planet. It is narrated by Peter Coyote. Project ECHO began In 2003 at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, developed to meet the challenge of an epidemic of hepatitis C, an epidemic caused by heroin addiction. One rural New Mexico county had the highest per capita opiate overdose death rate in the country. Project ECHO used a visually interactive forum, Zoom-like technology, to train primary care clinicians to treat hepatitis C and opiate addiction in their own communities, rather than refer them for distant and costly specialty care in Albuquerque. The model worked for treating hepatitis C, and it has now been used successfully around the world to treat more than 70 different chronic diseases and conditions.