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Teepee Time

TEEPEE TIME is an animated pre-school series about a curious little tipi discovering the world one new adventure at a time. For Teepee every step, is a first step, every new experience, is a learning one, and there is always lots of fun and adventure along the way!

  • Sunday, July 28
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Monday, July 29
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee puts away the groceries; Teepee helps make supper.
  • Tuesday, July 30
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Wednesday, July 31
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee Goes Canoeing; Teepee Counts to Five
  • Thursday, August 1
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns about the four seasons; Teepee plays in the park for the first time.
  • Friday, August 2
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee writes his name; Teepee eats lunch in the school cafeteria for the first time.
  • Saturday, August 3
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee puts away the groceries; Teepee helps make supper.
  • Sunday, August 4
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Monday, August 5
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee reads a book; Teepee draws a picture of himself for the first time.
  • Tuesday, August 6
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee knits a sweater; Teepee goes skating for the first time.
  • Wednesday, August 7
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee makes bannock; Teepee washes the dishes by himself for the first time.
  • Thursday, August 8
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee builds a birdhouse; Teepee goes to the store by himself.
  • Friday, August 9
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plants a tree; Teepee waters the flowers by himself for the first time.
  • Saturday, August 10
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee reads a book; Teepee draws a picture of himself for the first time.
  • Sunday, August 11
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee knits a sweater; Teepee goes skating for the first time.
  • Monday, August 12
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee cleans his room; Teepee makes his bed by himself.
  • Tuesday, August 13
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plays hide-and-seek; Teepee goes to the doctor.
  • Wednesday, August 14
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Thursday, August 15
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to play the drum; Teepee dances the hoop dance.
  • Friday, August 16
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a train; Teepee plays pick up sticks.
  • Saturday, August 17
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee cleans his room; Teepee makes his bed by himself.
  • Sunday, August 18
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plays hide-and-seek; Teepee goes to the doctor.
  • Monday, August 19
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Tuesday, August 20
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Wednesday, August 21
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Thursday, August 22
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to ride a bike and makes a friend for the very first time.
  • Friday, August 23
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the toy store and to a birthday party for the first time.
  • Saturday, August 24
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Sunday, August 25
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Monday, August 26
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes camping and goes fishing for the very first time.
  • Tuesday, August 27
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Wednesday, August 28
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Thursday, August 29
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee visits his grandmother; Teepee rakes leaves.
  • Friday, August 30
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee picks a pumpkin and chooses a costume for the first time.
  • Saturday, August 31
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes camping and goes fishing for the very first time.
  • Sunday, September 1
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Monday, September 2
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee shovels snow; Teepee builds a snowman.
  • Tuesday, September 3
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee puts away the groceries; Teepee helps make supper.
  • Wednesday, September 4
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Thursday, September 5
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee Goes Canoeing; Teepee Counts to Five
  • Friday, September 6
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns about the four seasons; Teepee plays in the park for the first time.
  • Saturday, September 7
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee puts away the groceries; Teepee helps make supper.
  • Sunday, September 8
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Monday, September 9
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee writes his name; Teepee eats lunch in the school cafeteria for the first time.
  • Tuesday, September 10
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee reads a book; Teepee draws a picture of himself for the first time.
  • Wednesday, September 11
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee knits a sweater; Teepee goes skating for the first time.
  • Thursday, September 12
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee makes bannock; Teepee washes the dishes by himself for the first time.
  • Friday, September 13
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee builds a birdhouse; Teepee goes to the store by himself.
  • Saturday, September 14
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee writes his name; Teepee eats lunch in the school cafeteria for the first time.
  • Sunday, September 15
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee reads a book; Teepee draws a picture of himself for the first time.
  • Monday, September 16
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plants a tree; Teepee waters the flowers by himself for the first time.
  • Tuesday, September 17
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee cleans his room; Teepee makes his bed by himself.
  • Wednesday, September 18
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plays hide-and-seek; Teepee goes to the doctor.
  • Thursday, September 19
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Friday, September 20
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to play the drum; Teepee dances the hoop dance.
  • Saturday, September 21
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plants a tree; Teepee waters the flowers by himself for the first time.
  • Sunday, September 22
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee cleans his room; Teepee makes his bed by himself.
  • Monday, September 23
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a train; Teepee plays pick up sticks.
  • Tuesday, September 24
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Wednesday, September 25
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Thursday, September 26
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Friday, September 27
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to ride a bike and makes a friend for the very first time.
  • Saturday, September 28
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a train; Teepee plays pick up sticks.
  • Sunday, September 29
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Monday, September 30
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the toy store and to a birthday party for the first time.
  • Tuesday, October 1
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes camping and goes fishing for the very first time.
  • Wednesday, October 2
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Thursday, October 3
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Friday, October 4
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee visits his grandmother; Teepee rakes leaves.
  • Saturday, October 5
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the toy store and to a birthday party for the first time.


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  • Saturday, July 27
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Friday, July 26
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee shovels snow; Teepee builds a snowman.
  • Thursday, July 25
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee picks a pumpkin and chooses a costume for the first time.
  • Wednesday, July 24
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee visits his grandmother; Teepee rakes leaves.
  • Tuesday, July 23
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Monday, July 22
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Sunday, July 21
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Saturday, July 20
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Friday, July 19
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes camping and goes fishing for the very first time.
  • Thursday, July 18
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the toy store and to a birthday party for the first time.
  • Wednesday, July 17
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to ride a bike and makes a friend for the very first time.
  • Tuesday, July 16
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Monday, July 15
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Sunday, July 14
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Saturday, July 13
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plays hide-and-seek; Teepee goes to the doctor.
  • Friday, July 12
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Thursday, July 11
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a train; Teepee plays pick up sticks.
  • Wednesday, July 10
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to play the drum; Teepee dances the hoop dance.
  • Tuesday, July 9
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Monday, July 8
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plays hide-and-seek; Teepee goes to the doctor.
  • Sunday, July 7
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee makes bannock; Teepee washes the dishes by himself for the first time.
  • Saturday, July 6
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee knits a sweater; Teepee goes skating for the first time.
  • Friday, July 5
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee cleans his room; Teepee makes his bed by himself.
  • Thursday, July 4
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee plants a tree; Teepee waters the flowers by himself for the first time.
  • Wednesday, July 3
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee builds a birdhouse; Teepee goes to the store by himself.
  • Tuesday, July 2
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee makes bannock; Teepee washes the dishes by himself for the first time.
  • Monday, July 1
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee knits a sweater; Teepee goes skating for the first time.
  • Sunday, June 30
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee Goes Canoeing; Teepee Counts to Five
  • Saturday, June 29
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Friday, June 28
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee reads a book; Teepee draws a picture of himself for the first time.
  • Thursday, June 27
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee writes his name; Teepee eats lunch in the school cafeteria for the first time.
  • Wednesday, June 26
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns about the four seasons; Teepee plays in the park for the first time.
  • Tuesday, June 25
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee Goes Canoeing; Teepee Counts to Five
  • Monday, June 24
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the petting zoo and takes a bath.
  • Sunday, June 23
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee visits his grandmother; Teepee rakes leaves.
  • Saturday, June 22
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Friday, June 21
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee puts away the groceries; Teepee helps make supper.
  • Thursday, June 20
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee shovels snow; Teepee builds a snowman.
  • Wednesday, June 19
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee picks a pumpkin and chooses a costume for the first time.
  • Tuesday, June 18
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee visits his grandmother; Teepee rakes leaves.
  • Monday, June 17
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes apple picking and bakes a pie for the first time.
  • Sunday, June 16
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to ride a bike and makes a friend for the very first time.
  • Saturday, June 15
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Friday, June 14
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a bus and paints a picture for the first time.
  • Thursday, June 13
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes camping and goes fishing for the very first time.
  • Wednesday, June 12
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee goes to the toy store and to a birthday party for the first time.
  • Tuesday, June 11
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to ride a bike and makes a friend for the very first time.
  • Monday, June 10
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee brushes his teeth and goes swimming for the very first time.
  • Sunday, June 9
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to play the drum; Teepee dances the hoop dance.
  • Saturday, June 8
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Friday, June 7
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee feeds his cat and walks his dog for the first time.
  • Thursday, June 6
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee gets dressed; Teepee sets the table.
  • Wednesday, June 5
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee rides a train; Teepee plays pick up sticks.
  • Tuesday, June 4
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee learns to play the drum; Teepee dances the hoop dance.
  • Monday, June 3
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee packs his suitcase; Teepee rides in an airplane.
  • Sunday, June 2
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee builds a birdhouse; Teepee goes to the store by himself.
  • Saturday, June 1
    8:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Teepee makes bannock; Teepee washes the dishes by himself for the first time.