What's On UEN-TV


Potlatch Keepers

A journey of self discovery and cultural awakening documented by Aboriginal filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie. When the elders in her ancestral community ask their youth to return home to learn and preserve their fading cultural keystone, the Potlatch, Lindsay and her two cousins heed the call. It is a transformational journey that will change their lives and help carry their culture forward.

  • Monday, July 29
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    A journey of self discovery and cultural awakening documented by Aboriginal filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie. When the elders in her ancestral community ask their youth to return home to learn and preserve their fading cultural keystone, the Potlatch, Lindsay and her two cousins heed the call. It is a transformational journey that will change their lives and help carry their culture forward.
  • Wednesday, August 28
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    A journey of self discovery and cultural awakening documented by Aboriginal filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie. When the elders in her ancestral community ask their youth to return home to learn and preserve their fading cultural keystone, the Potlatch, Lindsay and her two cousins heed the call. It is a transformational journey that will change their lives and help carry their culture forward.


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  • Wednesday, June 26
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    A journey of self discovery and cultural awakening documented by Aboriginal filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie. When the elders in her ancestral community ask their youth to return home to learn and preserve their fading cultural keystone, the Potlatch, Lindsay and her two cousins heed the call. It is a transformational journey that will change their lives and help carry their culture forward.
  • Wednesday, May 29
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    A journey of self discovery and cultural awakening documented by Aboriginal filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie. When the elders in her ancestral community ask their youth to return home to learn and preserve their fading cultural keystone, the Potlatch, Lindsay and her two cousins heed the call. It is a transformational journey that will change their lives and help carry their culture forward.