What's On UEN-TV


Home Diagnosis

Presented by Georgia Public Broadcasting, "Home Diagnosis" is "This Old House" meets "CSI". It is the first program ever dedicated to promoting measured home performance, building science concepts & forensic testing, while highlighting best practices for home improvements/high performance building proven through diagnostics. Led by YouTube Home Performance expert Corbett Lunsford and his wife Grace, they travel the nation in their high performance tiny house, # TinyLab, the foil for each episode's home. Along the way, they meet with homeowners to diagnose their mystery problems and prescribe real solutions to help them prove their home is a safe, healthy, comfortable place for their family, as well as addressing the public television audience and informing them on how these lessons can apply in their homes as well.

Home Diagnosis  
  • Where There's Smoke There's Fire
    Saturday, September 28
    10:32 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    We kick off this exploration of disaster science with fire of all kinds- house fires, a smoke detector debacle, wildfire and 'controlled' burns, and a fiasco of flame retardants mixed into too many products that fill our homes.
  • Where There's Smoke There's Fire
    Thursday, October 3
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    We kick off this exploration of disaster science with fire of all kinds- house fires, a smoke detector debacle, wildfire and 'controlled' burns, and a fiasco of flame retardants mixed into too many products that fill our homes.
  • The Labyrinth of Air Leakages
    Saturday, October 5
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    How important is air leakage, really? Short answer: it's the single most important feature of your home's performance, so let's dig into the many side effects it creates and how to test it.
  • Little Critters
    Saturday, October 12
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Did you know we're never actually home alone? Let's look deep into the science of pest control, rodents, and rare home-dwelling insects, along with the homes they build for themselves and the microbes that live inside them.
  • Like A Hurricane
    Saturday, October 19
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    We know wind and water can knock a home over, but for those that still stand, what physics, chemistry, and microbiology might be at work? All about tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, and hurricanes.
  • There, I Fixed It
    Saturday, October 26
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    In trying to fix our problems, are we actually just rearranging them? For every product advertised to fix something in your home, there is its shadow- the byproduct you might not suspect. Explore air cleaners, essential oil diffusers and air fresheners, toxic materials, and how to build a home right the first time so you don't need to worry about them.
  • Rock Hard
    Saturday, November 2
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Isn't it creepy when solid ground gets mushy? Or when a nice fluffy cloud rains down frozen rocks? Featuring simulated earthquakes, the phenomena of liquefaction and landslides, and Grace firing a hail cannon.
  • What's That Smell?
    Saturday, November 9
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Can you really become allergic to your home? And could my family be in danger? We explore the what/how/why of environmental sensitivity or 'sick building syndrome' and how to steer clear.
  • Volcanoland
    Saturday, November 16
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    What is an extreme environment? Between the extremes of molten lava and the vacuum of space, there's a wide variety of living conditions (even within a household), and you can bet that there's lifeforms making a home in every one of them.
  • Mold of All Colors
    Saturday, November 23
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    How scared should I be about mold? Explore the latest fascinating science of a branch of life we know very little about, how our worlds intersect in helpful and horrible ways, and what to do about it.
  • Outside Sneaking In
    Saturday, November 30
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Can we ever truly be safe living in a bubble? It turns out that not only are we vulnerable to outdoor pollution from all sides, no matter how we build or how we live- once that pollution reacts with indoor pollution, we have a whole new cocktail to get under control.
  • Equal Opportunity Disaster
    Saturday, December 7
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Are we doing a good job preparing for, and recovering from disasters? In short, we could do better. Packed with advice on insurance claims, lawsuits, and the shockwaves inequity sends through our society as a whole, this episode is an important punctuation to our entire season.


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  • Proof: Testing The House
    Thursday, September 26
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Lunsfords set out to build a high performance home for their family, but did they achieve perfect tuning? Watch them test each facet of their home's control over heat bleed, airflows/pressures, moisture, and contaminants. Take the final tour of interior furnishings, lighting, and finishes and see what a high performance house looks like, above and below the hood.
  • Proof: Testing The House
    Saturday, September 21
    10:31 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Lunsfords set out to build a high performance home for their family, but did they achieve perfect tuning? Watch them test each facet of their home's control over heat bleed, airflows/pressures, moisture, and contaminants. Take the final tour of interior furnishings, lighting, and finishes and see what a high performance house looks like, above and below the hood.
  • Universe's Battery: Homes in the Sun
    Thursday, September 19
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The sun's rays cause chemical reactions in our yards, on the faces of our homes, and even indoors. Learn more about calculating and optimizing the cooling load for any home, and investigate passive solar science, low e films, and ozone in the home, along with a permaculture plan for their property in general.
  • Universe's Battery: Homes in the Sun
    Saturday, September 14
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The sun's rays cause chemical reactions in our yards, on the faces of our homes, and even indoors. Learn more about calculating and optimizing the cooling load for any home, and investigate passive solar science, low e films, and ozone in the home, along with a permaculture plan for their property in general.
  • Healing Your Homechem: Solutions for Indoor Chemistry
    Thursday, September 12
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Grace and Corbett dive deep into how to control HomeChem with strategies including filtration, humidity control, outdoor ventilation systems, and modern make up air for controlling home pressure imbalances.
  • Healing Your Homechem: Solutions for Indoor Chemistry
    Saturday, September 7
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Grace and Corbett dive deep into how to control HomeChem with strategies including filtration, humidity control, outdoor ventilation systems, and modern make up air for controlling home pressure imbalances.
  • The Headaches O F Homechem: Why We Should Care
    Thursday, September 5
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Today, each of us will add a few ingredients and catalysts to our home’s chemistry experiment. The simple activities of cooking, cleaning, and even being inside our homes causes what researchers now know is an astronomically elevated level of pollution, compared to the outdoors. Arm yourself with the knowledge of what to defend your family against.
  • The Headaches O F Homechem: Why We Should Care
    Saturday, August 31
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Today, each of us will add a few ingredients and catalysts to our home’s chemistry experiment. The simple activities of cooking, cleaning, and even being inside our homes causes what researchers now know is an astronomically elevated level of pollution, compared to the outdoors. Arm yourself with the knowledge of what to defend your family against.
  • Opening The Icebox: Cooling and Drying
    Thursday, August 29
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Focusing on the weird world of psychrometrics, and keeping temperature and humidity in balance. Take a look into the history of air conditioning, and attempts to diversify and consolidate home climate control tools, and a deeper dive into ductwork and airflow as the Lunsfords prepare to dig into Home Chemistry.
  • Opening The Icebox: Cooling and Drying
    Saturday, August 24
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Focusing on the weird world of psychrometrics, and keeping temperature and humidity in balance. Take a look into the history of air conditioning, and attempts to diversify and consolidate home climate control tools, and a deeper dive into ductwork and airflow as the Lunsfords prepare to dig into Home Chemistry.
  • Keeping The Cold at Bay: Heating Methods at Home
    Thursday, August 22
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Mythbusting and truth-telling around forced air ducted and ductless systems, boilers, radiant heat, and the basics of thermodynamics. Watch the installation of the Lunsfords' high performance HVAC system, and see the beginnings of the airflow and pressure testing they'll employ until the build is done.
  • Keeping The Cold at Bay: Heating Methods at Home
    Saturday, August 17
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Mythbusting and truth-telling around forced air ducted and ductless systems, boilers, radiant heat, and the basics of thermodynamics. Watch the installation of the Lunsfords' high performance HVAC system, and see the beginnings of the airflow and pressure testing they'll employ until the build is done.
  • Slow Burn: Combustion
    Thursday, August 15
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    A reflection of the episode of water, the Lunsfords look at the next major chemistry instigator, fire, and how it affects Home Chemistry. The Lunsfords explore the importance of proper kitchen exhaust sizing and usage, the dreaded 'Thanksgiving Day' scenario, and the dangers of combustion gases and low level carbon monoxide poisoning, which is not detected by mainstream CO monitors.
  • Slow Burn: Combustion
    Saturday, August 10
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    A reflection of the episode of water, the Lunsfords look at the next major chemistry instigator, fire, and how it affects Home Chemistry. The Lunsfords explore the importance of proper kitchen exhaust sizing and usage, the dreaded 'Thanksgiving Day' scenario, and the dangers of combustion gases and low level carbon monoxide poisoning, which is not detected by mainstream CO monitors.
  • Windbreakers: Airtightness and the Enclosure
    Thursday, August 8
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    There's a fear abundant in the general public that houses "need to breathe" and they shouldn't be built too tight, but what does that mean? Housewraps, all-in-one WRB sheathing, tapes, foams all can help seal a house tight, but then it must be ventilated right. Every home is a system, and the skin of a home is as critical as the skin of your body.
  • Windbreakers: Airtightness and the Enclosure
    Saturday, August 3
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    There's a fear abundant in the general public that houses "need to breathe" and they shouldn't be built too tight, but what does that mean? Housewraps, all-in-one WRB sheathing, tapes, foams all can help seal a house tight, but then it must be ventilated right. Every home is a system, and the skin of a home is as critical as the skin of your body.
  • This Little Light of Mine: Holes in the House (Windows, Skylights and Doors)
    Thursday, August 1
    1:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Everyone wants their homes to bring in the beauty of the outdoors, but which products are best and which installation techniques can hurt your performance and potentially create headaches? The Lunsfords debunk the myth of windows and doors causing all drafts, teaching stack effect and demonstrating the blower door test of their own fully enclosed home build.