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Food and Agricultural Science

From planting and harvesting crops, to raising livestock, to managing soil and water resources, to chemical analysis and biotechnology in the lab, including GMOs, to agribusiness and Wall Street, to food preservation, nutrition and safety, to feeding the world while caring for the planet’s delicate ecosystems. All of these subjects are part of this seven-part series, Food and Agricultural Science, about the multidisciplinary approach to food and agricultural sciences in the 21st century. Featuring interviews with experts from the top food and agricultural research universities across the country and presenting the latest research in smart agriculture, food safety and presevation, personalized nutrition and sustainable food systems.

Food and Agricultural Science  
  • History of Early Food & Agricultural Science
    Wednesday, August 21
    9:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The first program presents an overview of the milestones on the journey from working the land by hand to personalized nutrition. It begins with the history of science and technology in American agriculture, moving on to the mechanization of farming, and to the understanding of food composition and nutrition. The program ends with an overview of food safety, genomics, and food systems.
  • Agriculture's Information Revolution
    Wednesday, August 21
    9:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Program two examines how 21st century information technologies are revolutionizing agriculture. Starting with one of the oldest natural sciences, the cultivation of wild plants and domestication of wild animals, the program delves into several agricultural revolutions, including information technology. It closes with the upcoming precision and smart agricultural revolution.
  • Genomics, Genetic Engineering and Genome Editing
    Wednesday, August 21
    10:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Program three looks at the controversial subject popularly known as GMOs or genetically modified organisms and examines the scientific truth of GMOs. It also looks at potential answers to the problem of the ever-growing population of the planet. From hybridization, to genomics and genetic engineering, this program provides a comprehensive overview.
  • The Scientific Analysis of Food
    Wednesday, August 21
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Understanding the nutritional benefits of food is a remarkable 200 year journey of scientific discovery. Program four will show students how science has made dramatic breakthroughs in understanding the nutritional composition of food, such as lipids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. The final chapter looks at the role essential nutrients play in good health including vitamins, minerals, and protein.
  • The Science of Human Nutrition, Diet and Health
    Wednesday, August 28
    9:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Program five examines the pros and cons of dietary programs and how personalized nutrition is on the cutting edge of 21st century food science. This program looks at the minimum dietary requirements for the human body to function, and how the correct intestinal biota plays a role in health. Prebiotics and probiotics are also explored, as well as the importance of smart nutrition science.
  • Food Safety, Processing, Preservation & Packaging
    Wednesday, August 28
    9:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Program six looks at how science, engineering and biotechnology have led the way in providing a safe and healthy food supply as well as extending the shelf life of food products. This includes the scientific advances in food processing, spoilage prevention, and retaining nutrition. The preservation and packaging of food is fully explored.
  • Food Systems & Agricultural Sustainability
    Wednesday, August 28
    10:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Program seven presents the big picture analysis of food and agriculture and how they lie at the core of human survival for the billions of people on planet Earth. In addition, it shows how food systems interact globally with other important systems, including energy and transportation. Finally the program looks into new farming innovations, such as organic, vertical, and urban farming, and how they may contribute to sustainable agriculture.


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