What's On UEN-TV


Liberty & Slavery: The Paradox of America's Founding Fathers

America's founding fathers were men yearning for a nation of individual liberty and unprecedented independence. Liberty and Slavery features stunning imagery and interviews with scholars that explore the paradox of America's Founding Fathers being champions of liberty - and yet simultaneously champions of slavery.

Liberty & Slavery: The Paradox of America's Founding Fathers  
  • Wednesday, February 19
    8:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    America's founding fathers were men yearning for a nation of individual liberty and unprecedented independence. Liberty and Slavery features stunning imagery and interviews with scholars that explore the paradox of America's Founding Fathers being champions of liberty - and yet simultaneously champions of slavery.
  • Wednesday, February 26
    1:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    America's founding fathers were men yearning for a nation of individual liberty and unprecedented independence. Liberty and Slavery features stunning imagery and interviews with scholars that explore the paradox of America's Founding Fathers being champions of liberty - and yet simultaneously champions of slavery.


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