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Forging Bonds: Pow Wow Stories from California

Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.

  • Friday, December 27
    12:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Friday, December 27
    6:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Tuesday, January 28
    12:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Tuesday, January 28
    6:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Friday, February 28
    12:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Friday, February 28
    6:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.


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  • Monday, December 2
    4:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Sunday, December 1
    10:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Wednesday, November 27
    6:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.
  • Wednesday, November 27
    12:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Tribal members from the San Manuel, Soboba and Morongo reservations recount the start of the Southern California Pow Wow circuit.