What's On UEN-TV



Whaledreamers is the heartfelt story of the return of an aboriginal whale dreaming tribe from the edge of extinction and the equally, long journey of the whales, not only to survive the slaughter by man, but to engage the human race into waking up in time.

  • Sunday, February 23
    5:30 pm on FNX 9.3
    Whaledreamers is the heartfelt story of the return of an aboriginal whale dreaming tribe from the edge of extinction and the equally, long journey of the whales, not only to survive the slaughter by man, but to engage the human race into waking up in time.
  • Thursday, February 27
    11:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    Whaledreamers is the heartfelt story of the return of an aboriginal whale dreaming tribe from the edge of extinction and the equally, long journey of the whales, not only to survive the slaughter by man, but to engage the human race into waking up in time.
  • Friday, February 28
    5:00 am on FNX 9.3
    Whaledreamers is the heartfelt story of the return of an aboriginal whale dreaming tribe from the edge of extinction and the equally, long journey of the whales, not only to survive the slaughter by man, but to engage the human race into waking up in time.


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