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Innovations In Medicine

Innovations in Medicine is a fast paced 30-minute program exploring the latest breakthroughs in research and treatment from some of the top medical and scientific centers in the United States. The show has visited such highly regarded facilities as the Salk Institute, UCLA Medical Center, Texas Orthopedic Center and Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the American Federation of AIDS Research in New York City. Each episode focuses on the hot health topics of the day such as stem cell research, biologics, cancer and even the common cold. In depth interviews on location with the physicians, Nobel Prize Winning scientists and patients sharing their stories, and successes are featured. This 13-part series is topic driven with emphasis, for example, on obesity, sleep, sports medicine, cancer breakthroughs, plastic surgery and newest ways to stop back pain. Using the latest graphics and animations, Innovations in Medicine explores the new horizons in medicine and offers answers and hope to the diseases and conditions that affect people of all ages.

Innovations In Medicine  
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  • Sunday, December 1
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Heart Attack, Urgent Care & Covid-19, Pulmonary Diseases, Wrist Arthritis, Long Covid.
  • Sunday, November 24
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    Addiction Recovery, Supplements & Medications, Stroke Care, Psoriatic Arthritis, Medical Cannabis.
  • Sunday, November 10
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    Cannabis during Pregnancy, Hypochondria, Dieting, Neurosurgery for Spine, Hip Replacement.
  • Sunday, November 3
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Air Purification, Nitrous Oxide: Labor Pain Management, Autism, Women & Heart Disease, Migraine and Headaches, Knee Pain.