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Make Prayers to the Raven

Make Prayers to the Raven explores the ways traditional spiritual values and beliefs guide the day-to-day lives of Alaska's Athabascan Indians on the Koyukuk River. Each half-hour occurs in a single season, revealing the surprising blend of Western and non-Western beliefs which shape and control that season's hunting, gathering and living.

  • Tuesday, December 24
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Grandpa Joe's Country follows Joe Beetus on a moose hunt as he chronicles his 65 years of living in the Koyukuk River Valley.
  • Tuesday, December 31
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Life in the Bear reveals the reverence with which a bear is hunted, and the feast of the bear party.
  • Tuesday, January 7
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Passage of Gifts is an intimate look at the inter-relationships between humans and animals, and of humans with each other as they exist in the spiritual and natural world.
  • Tuesday, January 14
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Bible and the Distant Time gives a rare glimpse of some of the ways that traditional Athabascan beliefs and Christian beliefs coexist in villages on the Koyukuk River.
  • Tuesday, January 21
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Forest of Eyes joins a family on the Koyukuk River as they fish for their yearly supply of salmon, living and teaching survival skills to the children.
  • Tuesday, January 28
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Grandpa Joe's Country follows Joe Beetus on a moose hunt as he chronicles his 65 years of living in the Koyukuk River Valley.
  • Tuesday, February 4
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Life in the Bear reveals the reverence with which a bear is hunted, and the feast of the bear party.
  • Tuesday, February 11
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Passage of Gifts is an intimate look at the inter-relationships between humans and animals, and of humans with each other as they exist in the spiritual and natural world.
  • Tuesday, February 18
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Bible and the Distant Time gives a rare glimpse of some of the ways that traditional Athabascan beliefs and Christian beliefs coexist in villages on the Koyukuk River.
  • Tuesday, February 25
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Forest of Eyes joins a family on the Koyukuk River as they fish for their yearly supply of salmon, living and teaching survival skills to the children.


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  • Tuesday, December 17
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Forest of Eyes joins a family on the Koyukuk River as they fish for their yearly supply of salmon, living and teaching survival skills to the children.
  • Tuesday, December 10
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Bible and the Distant Time gives a rare glimpse of some of the ways that traditional Athabascan beliefs and Christian beliefs coexist in villages on the Koyukuk River.
  • Tuesday, December 3
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Passage of Gifts is an intimate look at the inter-relationships between humans and animals, and of humans with each other as they exist in the spiritual and natural world.
  • Tuesday, November 26
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Life in the Bear reveals the reverence with which a bear is hunted, and the feast of the bear party.
  • Tuesday, November 19
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    Grandpa Joe's Country follows Joe Beetus on a moose hunt as he chronicles his 65 years of living in the Koyukuk River Valley.
  • Tuesday, November 12
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Forest of Eyes joins a family on the Koyukuk River as they fish for their yearly supply of salmon, living and teaching survival skills to the children.
  • Tuesday, November 5
    3:30 am on FNX 9.3
    The Bible and the Distant Time gives a rare glimpse of some of the ways that traditional Athabascan beliefs and Christian beliefs coexist in villages on the Koyukuk River.