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Too Many Toys

Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his mother falls over them, and the house is overflowing with junk. Now its time to give some of the mountain of goodies away, but Spencer finds it hard. In the end, he find the one toy he can't part with!

  • Tuesday, December 24
    10:11 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his mother falls over them, and the house is overflowing with junk. Now its time to give some of the mountain of goodies away, but Spencer finds it hard. In the end, he find the one toy he can't part with!


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  • Tuesday, November 19
    10:06 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his mother falls over them, and the house is overflowing with junk. Now its time to give some of the mountain of goodies away, but Spencer finds it hard. In the end, he find the one toy he can't part with!