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EcoSense for Living

Thought-provoking series of eco-topics ranging from reconnecting kids to nature, green jobs, and healthy lifestyles limiting the impacts of toxins on our home and bodies. The series aims to empower viewers with practical solutions geared toward saving money, treading lighter on the planet, and improving quality of life.

EcoSense for Living  
  • 3 Billion Birds
    Monday, July 29
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The 3 BILLION BIRD STUDY shows that one in four birds has vanished in the last fifty years. The good news is that when humans manage habitats with birds in mind, species can not only survive, but flourish. From the Great Plains to the marshes of the southeast, this episode shows how we can save the wonderful world of birds.
  • 3 Billion Birds
    Friday, August 2
    6:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The 3 BILLION BIRD STUDY shows that one in four birds has vanished in the last fifty years. The good news is that when humans manage habitats with birds in mind, species can not only survive, but flourish. From the Great Plains to the marshes of the southeast, this episode shows how we can save the wonderful world of birds.
  • Wild Things Return
    Monday, August 5
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Focusing on diverse habitats from Florida and Georgia to South Dakota and Montana, we track the progress of several species whose survival depends on active conservation management. From Black-footed ferrets and prairie dogs to Red-cockaded woodpeckers and Indigo snakes, get a sneak peek behind the scenes at what it takes to resettle animals into their native habitats.
  • Wild Things Return
    Friday, August 9
    6:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Focusing on diverse habitats from Florida and Georgia to South Dakota and Montana, we track the progress of several species whose survival depends on active conservation management. From Black-footed ferrets and prairie dogs to Red-cockaded woodpeckers and Indigo snakes, get a sneak peek behind the scenes at what it takes to resettle animals into their native habitats.
  • Return of the Buffalo
    Monday, August 12
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Millions of bison once roamed nearly all of North America but their intentional killing in the late 1800s forever changed our landscapes and culture. Now the Lakota people of the Rosebud Reservation are bringing a wild buffalo herd back to regenerate their land as well as their health, well-being and independence.
  • Return of the Buffalo
    Friday, August 16
    6:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Millions of bison once roamed nearly all of North America but their intentional killing in the late 1800s forever changed our landscapes and culture. Now the Lakota people of the Rosebud Reservation are bringing a wild buffalo herd back to regenerate their land as well as their health, well-being and independence.
  • The Agriculture Evolution
    Monday, August 19
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The real dirt on farming is that we've abused soil for a long time now. Practices like tilling, adding chemical fertilizers, and leaving fields exposed have robbed us of nutrition and prosperity. EcoSense explores small farms doing big things, and how clever growers are making microscopic changes that yield nourishing results.
  • The Agriculture Evolution
    Friday, August 23
    6:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The real dirt on farming is that we've abused soil for a long time now. Practices like tilling, adding chemical fertilizers, and leaving fields exposed have robbed us of nutrition and prosperity. EcoSense explores small farms doing big things, and how clever growers are making microscopic changes that yield nourishing results.


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