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Ancient History (Kuen)

Globe Trekker's Zay Harding hosts this new look at the world's ancient civilizations: civilizations that left remarkable ruins. As interpreted by historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these ancient civilizations were presumed to be primitive and embroiled in wars, invasion and conquest. Now archaeologists have come to regard them in a new light in terms of accomplishments and unique variations on complex social organizations. Filmed in high-definition, these programs highlight new understandings of the civilizations of Greece, the Incas, the Anasazi, Britons and Native North Americans.

Ancient History (Kuen)  
  • The Greek City-State and Democracy
    Friday, July 5
    9:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    During the Golden Age of the Greek City States 2500 years ago, the ancient Greeks gave to the world something much more valuable than architectural wonders or material wealth. It was the ideas of democracy, liberty, freedom of speech and the pursuit of truth for truth's sake. The Greek City-state and Democracy is the history of how a group of people invented self-rule based on citizenship, at a time when they were surrounded by tyrants and despots. The invention of these concepts of self rule and citizenship is the most improbable event in all of ancient history.
  • Greek Accomplishments
    Friday, July 5
    9:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    It has been said that all western art and science is but a footnote to ancient Greek accomplishments. In this program, the story is told of how Greek thinkers laid the foundation for architecture, painting, sculpture, history, philosophy, medicine, literature, zoology, botany, mathematics, astronomy, theater, and finally, the western scientific methodology. It is a history of a series of brilliant Greek thinkers from Homer in 700 B.C. to Ptolemy in 150 A.D.
  • Ancient Pueblo People - The Anasazi
    Friday, July 5
    10:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    They stand today much as their builders left them 500 years ago. These are the cities of the Anasazi, the ancient Pueblo people of the four corners region of the western United States. Their history is the history how a civilization, against all odds, became so successful at agriculture they were able to produce a leisure society capable of not only building these incredible cities, but also producing some of the greatest pottery, rock art and trading networks the world has ever seen. How the Anasazi did this with a social organization not governed by kings or queens or other hierarchical rulers is one of the great mysteries of ancient history.
  • Ancient Britain Stonehenge to Celtic Iron Age Hill
    Friday, July 5
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    It was once believed that the the island of Britain was shaped by continuous invasions and conquering tribes from Europe. But now we know this isn't true. Ancient History: Ancient Britain: Stonehenge to Celtic Iron Age Hill Forts follows the incredible saga of a glorious 7000 year evolution of Ancient Britain's people - from the earliest Stone Age clans, to the builders of Stonehenge, to the formation of Bronze Age tribes and the founding of Iron Age Hill forts, all leading to the castle building kings and queens and knights that we all recognize today.
  • The Incas
    Friday, July 12
    9:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Six hundred years ago, in less than a century, the Inca people, located in present day Peru, forged an empire equal to that of the Greeks and Romans. They built their empire, not by military conquest but by treaties, based on providing food for all the empire's citizens. In the process, The Incas built architectural wonders for all eternity. Theirs is a history of what 7 million people can accomplish when they all work toward a common goal. Today Machu Picchu stands as a glorious reminder of this once incredible empire.
  • The Mound Builders (America's Prehistoric Civiliz-
    Friday, July 12
    9:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Had they been made of stone, they would have been among the greatest wonders of the ancient world. These were the pyramids and effigy earthenworks by the Mound Building Cultures of the eastern half of the United States. This is the story of the 3000 year Native American tradition that culminated with the construction of cities rivaling any on the planet when Columbus landed in the New World.
  • Rome Reexamined: Rise of the Roman Republic
    Friday, July 12
    10:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    In The Rise of the Roman Republic learn how from the humblest beginnings, Rome rose up to become the first self-governing republic. By including their vanquished and allowing anyone to move up through the ranks of their unique society, Rome came to control much of the Mediterranean world.
  • Rome Reex: Military Triumphs and Death of the Roma
    Friday, July 12
    10:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Military Triumphs and the Death of the Republic we see how in the second half of the Republic, the Romans became the greatest fighting force in the ancient world. The Romans told themselves through their myths that the gods mandated they were destined to rule the entire ancient world. However, their incredible military success would lead to civil wars as the armies of Julius Caesar and Pompey fought for control of Rome. The only solution to ending these devastating civil wars was to abandon the Republic in favor of a monarchy.
  • Rome Reex: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
    Friday, July 19
    9:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Rome's first Emperor was Augustus. In The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire a series of good and bad emperors from 27 B.C. to 476 A.D. rise to Rome's throne. During this time, Rome assimilates all of the Mediterranean world and most of Western Europe, with the population of empire finally comprising over 10 million Roman citizens. In 312 A. D., Rome's last great Emperor, Constantine, embraces Christianity, setting the stage for Rome's last great accomplishment - making Christianity one of the world's great religions.
  • Rome Reex: Splendors of Imperial Rome
    Friday, July 19
    9:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    During the Imperial period, from Augustus to Constantine, Rome itself became the most magnificent city in the ancient world. In The Splendor of Imperial Rome - from the ancient Roman Forum to one of the seven wonders of the world, the Coliseum - the glories and accomplishments that were once Rome are revealed in stunning High Definition.
  • The Maya
    Friday, July 19
    10:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Mayas are best known for their spectacular architecture that made up their city centers, but they are also the most misunderstood of the great ancient civilizations. First, they were not the blood thirsty warrior society as they often portrayed; and second, they were the world's first environmental farmers, creating a thriving agricultural society on poor land through advanced farming techniques and a profound sensitivity to their environment. Chapters: Homeland and Geography; Network of City States; Culture - Ceremonial Warfare; Environmental Agriculturalists; Art and Architecture - Grand Architecture of Their Ceremonial Centers; Mathematics, Astronomy and Writing.


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