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Roadtrip Nation

ROADTRIP NATION follows a group of roadtrippers as they traverse the United States and meet fascinating leaders who share stories of following their passions and realizing their dreams.

Roadtrip Nation  
  • Monday, July 1
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    It's the last week of the team's six-week Roadtrip-and also Hannah and Antoine's first time in New York City. While there, they meet up with MMA (Mixed Marital Arts) reporter Ariel Helwani who talks about his beginnings as a shy kid to becoming one of the most notable MMA sports reporters in the world. At the end of their conversation, he stresses to the team, "don't give up on your dreams." Antoine, Hannah, and Nika then move on to their last interview at the CNN headquarters where they meet with anchor Soledad O'Brien who talks about the hard work it takes to follow a dream. Afterward, the team reflects on the events of the trip and the people they met before signing the Green RV and saying their goodbyes.
  • Taking Off
    Thursday, July 4
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Roadtrippers Taiheem, Yasmine, and Denise set out in the green RV to speak with inspiring people who've triumphed over adversity to find success in the workforce. Hear their stories and watch as they interview Gerald Chertavian, the CEO of Year Up, a nonprofit helping low-income young adults get internships at major companies.
  • Monday, July 8
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet team Here, There, Everywhere-Denise, Carolyn, and Sarah-and follow their six-week cross-country journey as they search to learn more about themselves and their futures. Denise, a hair stylist, wants to break out and explore what the world has to offer. Carolyn left her steady job at an advertising agency to find out how she can use her skills for more humanitarian causes, while Sarah, who wants to do something creative, is still learning to not let fear hold her back from trying new things. Traveling to San Francisco, Calif., the team meets Jesse Jacobs, owner of Samovar Tea Lounge, and then hears powerful words from poets at Youth Speaks who encourage them to listen to their hearts.
  • Trailblazing
    Thursday, July 11
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The team hears how Anel Perez, an Amazon solutions architect, went from working eighty hour weeks at multiple jobs to getting hired at one of the nation's premier tech companies. Later, they meet with political campaign manager Andre Carroll and hear his story of how his own life struggles have fueled his desire to make the world a better place.
  • Monday, July 15
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    While in Seattle, Wash., the team connects with Miss Indigo Blue, a renowned burlesque instructor and performer, and discovers why she decided to take up the bold art form. Her story particularly intrigues Carolyn who finds Miss Indigo Blue's confidence and fearlessness desirable. In Santa Fe, N.M., the Roadtrippers link up with Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons, co-founders of Bioneers, an organization that brings scientific innovators together to promote social and environmental change. Their story of risk-taking resonates with Sarah who realizes that maybe she "doesn't have to play it so safe."
  • Yesterday Is Not Tomorrow
    Thursday, July 18
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Regina Andino, a Senior Executive Assistant at JP Morgan Chase, discusses the pros and cons of pursuing traditional versus nontraditional pathways to achieve your career goals with the team. They also talk with Plinio Ayala, the president and CEO of Per Scholas, the IT training school that helped secure a job in the field for Taiheem.
  • Monday, July 22
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    At the University of Oklahoma, the team meets Mike Biggerstaff, a professor of meteorology, where they learn what it is about weather that lights him up. Moving on to Houston, Texas, they visit Jennifer Arnold, a 3-foot, 2-inch-tall doctor and star of the reality series, The Little Couple, where they hear her story of overcoming personal obstacles to realize her dreams. Finally, in New Orleans, La., the team talks with Charline Gipson, a corporate lawyer, and discovers what 'success' means to her and the steps she took to achieve it. Charline's story of taking her own path despite others' disapproval inspires Denise who realizes she can do the same in life.
  • Lessons Learned
    Thursday, July 25
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Karin Norington-Reaves, CEO of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, talks about how important social services are in making sure the most people possible can achieve their dreams. The roadtrippers return home with lessons learned and goals ready to be attained.
  • Monday, July 29
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Atlanta, Ga., wrapping up their last series of interviews, the Roadtrippers meet the first all-female, all-African American flight crew to operate a commercial jet in the U.S to learn how they got to where they are. Then the team talks with Penny Brown Reynolds, a judge and ordained minister, where they are energized by her story of perseverance and determination. Afterward, the friends travel to Outer Banks, N.C., where they share their final thoughts on what they learned about themselves and their futures before ending their journey of self-discovery together.
  • Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone
    Monday, August 5
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Joined by the common desire to get out of their comfort zones, a new team of Roadtrippers embarks on a cross-country journey to interview innovative Leaders who can provide insight on building a fulfilling life. Roadtripper Jackie has just earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry at the University of Texas, and left her home in Mexico to do so. With her family's high hopes hinging on her success, she seeks to find a balance between her academic demands and outside interests. Recent-grad Megan has always wanted to become a teacher, but feels she must break out of her insulated surroundings to determine whether that dream is still right for her. Zachariah, an animated student at Ohio State, seeks to channel his many interests into one concrete path. After meeting each other (and their 36-foot home-on-wheels), the crew hits the beach to interview Dr. Graeme Rae, the Chief Scientist for Surfline.com, who discusses leaving the world of academia to help surfers score waves.
  • Embracing Change
    Monday, August 12
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    After settling into life on the Road (which includes dumping septic tanks and sleeping 3 feet away from each other), the team heads towards Hollywood. There, they meet Dr. Valerie Weiss, a film director who went through the trouble of getting a Ph.D in Biophysics so she could determine whether she really wanted to pursue science or filmmaking. Valerie's decision to set aside her Ph.D shows the Roadtrippers that it's never too late to alter your course. Later, the team heads to Facebook headquarters to meet with Delfina Eberly, the Director of Data Operations, who, as a confident Hispanic woman overseeing a mostly-male staff, inspires Jackie. Later, the team takes a zip-line adventure through Redwoods guided by Suzy Clark, the Director of the Mount Hermon Outdoor Science School. Suzy recounts the many jobs she's had, and allays the team's quarter-life anxiety by telling them that they don't need to know exactly where they're going in life.
  • The Power of Serendipity
    Monday, August 19
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Outside of San Francisco, the team arrives at the Jelly Belly factory to meet with Elise Benstein, a food scientist who develops new Jelly Belly flavors. Elise encourages the Roadtrippers to be open to unplanned opportunity; after all, she never would have thought her job would consist of making Root Beer-flavored candy, but she loves it. From California, the crew winds east to Arizona, where they meet with Deon Clark, a nuclear engineer. Deon joined the navy as a teenager to escape the drugs and violence of his neighborhood, and stresses the importance of rejecting peer pressure. Moving onto New Mexico, the team meets two-time Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Paul Salopek, whose non-linear life experiences teach the Roadtrippers to embrace serendipity.
  • Don't Feel Trapped
    Monday, August 26
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Texas, the Roadtrippers head to the Texas Instruments headquarters to meet Process Integration Engineer Byron Williams. Byron shares his struggle with self-doubt that almost stopped him from pursuing a career in science, and encourages the Roadtrippers to re-frame challenge as a motivator. Later, the crew heads to the ATT Foundry to speak with Senior Marketing Manager Tracy Parrish. Tracy discusses her switch from engineering to teaching, and helps Megan overcome her anxiety about teaching STEM subjects. The team ends the week at the National Space Biomedical Research Facility in Houston. There, Deputy Chief Scientist Dorit Donoviel discusses the courage it took to leave a comfortable job and try a new field. She encourages the team to never be afraid of venturing in new directions if they start to feel stagnant.
  • No More What If's
    Monday, September 2
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Leaving Houston, the team takes a brief hiatus from interviews with a 2-day drive to Chicago that allows them to reflect on the experience thus far. Once in the Windy City, they find themselves speaking with Zach Kaplan, the CEO and Co-founder of Inventables, a company that connects product developers with novel materials. Zach recounts the many rejections he's been dealt over the years, emphasizing perseverance in the face of challenge. Next, the team heads to Chicagoland Skydive to meet with skydiving instructor Ward Hessig. Once a policeman on track to becoming a lawyer, Ward discusses the fortuitous turn of events that led to his shift in paths. After their chat, the Roadtrippers nervously prepare for a skydive, but are ultimately able to let go of trepidation by following Ward's advice to "push through fear and embrace the reward."
  • Uncertainty Is Opportunity
    Monday, September 9
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    As they enter the 5th week of their 7-week Roadtrip, the team reflects on how comfortable they've become with the unpredictable eccentricities of the Road. Megan, who is naturally wired to adhere to routine, is learning to embrace uncertainly, and this helps her cope with an influx of job rejections. In New York, the team's interview with Radiolab radio host Jad Abumrad serves to reinforce Megan's newfound acceptance of the unknown. Jad describes his unsuccessful attempts at other careers, noting that although he never thought he would get into radio, he has found it to be a surprisingly satisfying assimilation of his interests. His ability to adapt to changing circumstance teaches the Roadtrippers although they might not end up where they planned in life, their ultimate trajectory might be even better than what they expected.
  • Be Well-Rounded
    Monday, September 16
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In New York City, the team meets with Mariette DiChristina, Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American, who was able to combine her interests in writing, science, and art into a meaningful career. Mariette urges the Roadtrippers to incorporate their passions into their work-even if they face criticism from others. Moving north, the Roadtrippers arrange a visit with Vicki Smith, a game designer at Vicarious Visions. Vicki shares her circuitous route to game design, explaining that she initially abandoned her own dreams in favor of following her parents' expectations. In offering advice to the Roadtrippers, she stresses the importance of being well-rounded, and educating oneself in a wide range of disciplines-even if they don't particularly interest you. That way, you have an arsenal of knowledge to inform the work you do.
  • It Doesn't End Here
    Monday, September 23
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    After traveling over 5,000 miles in 45 days, the Roadtrippers reach Massachusetts for the final week of their journey. There, they meet with Jeremy England, an MIT biophysicist, and Juan Enriquez, the CEO of Biotechnonomy LLC. Change is the topic of discussion with Juan, who tells the Roadtrippers to 'scare the hell' out of themselves sometimes because stagnancy is the enemy of personal growth. Moving onto the last interview of the trip, the Roadtrippers meet with Lydia Villa-Komaroff, an internationally-acclaimed molecular biologist and Chief Scientific Officer at CytonomeST. Lydia discusses the challenges of being a Mexican-American woman in a male-dominated field, and credits her passion for helping her to overcome obstacles. Afterwards, the team heads to the airport where they reflect on their personal growth and future paths before sharing one last group hug.


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  • Jump In
    Thursday, June 27
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The roadtrippers reach San Francisco, where they meet Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who manages Facebook's global diversity program, and Paola Santana, founder of Social Glass, a company helping to ensure government transparency through the use of AI. As the trip comes to a close, Carissa, Jordane, and Alicia ponder their steps forward and reflect on the lessons they've learned.
  • Monday, June 24
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    While in Washington, D.C., the Roadtrippers head over to the International Child Art Foundation's headquarters to meet with its founder, Dr. Ashfaq Ishaq. He tells them about the importance of nurturing creativity in young minds. Then the team moves on to the popular D.C.-based restaurant Busboys and Poets to speak with its owner, Andy Shallal. The Roadtrippers hear about learning from failures, and they leave feeling uplifted. From there, they fly back to Chicago to pick up the Green RV from the mechanic to hit the road to New York. In New York City, they meet with dance legend Judith Jamison and catch a performance at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Central Park.
  • Bringing People In
    Thursday, June 20
    10:32 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The team meets Mama Shu, who founded The Avalon Village to turn her Highland Park community into a safe, eco-friendly, and innovative space. Later on, they talk with Clarence Bethea-the Upsie founder dedicated to making warranties more affordable-about his path through adversity to entrepreneurial success.
  • Monday, June 17
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    While in Chicago, the team encounters a roadblock-the Green RV's transmission breaks. After leaving the RV at a mechanic, the Roadtrippers meet up with Food Network host and chef Gale Gand who greets them with home-baked muffins. Gale tells the team about her life of traveling, working in France, and meeting Julia Child. Afterward, the Roadtrippers meet with Alex Ross, a comic book artist who tells them about his incredible luck in his career, but stresses that anyone can do anything they want-they just have to put in the effort. Afterward, the team hears bad news: the RV won't be fixed in time for their next interviews. So, they decide to book flights to their next stop in Washington, D.C...despite that Antoine has never been on a plane before.
  • Play Forever
    Thursday, June 13
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Gary Vaynerchuk, chairman of VaynerX & CEO of VaynerMedia, talks to the team about turning failure into success and small beginnings into giant outcomes. Later on, they meet Megan Smith, a former U.S. Chief Technology Officer and Google vice president now working to facilitate collaboration and foster innovation in a wide variety of tech industries.
  • Monday, June 10
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Roadtrippers are in Albuquerque, N.M., salvaging what they can from their burnt Green RV-the aftermath of a mechanical fire that caused the vehicle to burn down. After they decide that they want to continue their Roadtrip, a few of the Roadtrip Nation staff arrive and they're given a new Green RV named "Norm." Moving onward to Atlanta, Ga., they speak with notable portrait artist Ross R. Rossin. Next, in Chicago, Ill., they meet with entrepreneur and famed business executive Alana Ward Robinson. The Roadtrippers hear her story of struggle as an African-American female trying to make it in the burgeoning (and mainly white male) tech industry.
  • Opening Doors
    Thursday, June 6
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Roadtrippers Carissa, Jordane, and Alicia set out in the green RV to speak with inspiring tech entrepreneurs. Starting in New York, they meet Stacy Spikes, the co-founder and former CEO of MoviePass, and Cindy Eckert, who founded The Pink Ceiling to invest in companies founded by and/or delivering products to women.
  • Monday, June 3
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The Roadtrippers start out in Tempe, Ariz., where they speak with Todd McFarlane, the creator of the best-selling comic book series Spawn, and Antoine's personal hero. The team is given encouraging advice by Todd to move away from the idea that they "need to have everything now." Next, the team heads to Albuquerque, N.M., where they meet with lobbyist and co-founder of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Tom Rutherford. Afterward, as they head back on the Road, an unfortunate event happens-an unexpected mechanical issue leads the Green RV to catch fire. The Roadtrippers pull over and no one is seriously injured; but emotions are high as the stark realization sets in as to whether they'll be able to continue their journey.
  • Monday, May 27
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    After arriving in Las Vegas, Nev., the Roadtrippers meet up with Rex Doty, a toy maker that creates toys for children in need, who inspires the team through his passion for giving. Next, the team heads to the restaurant Rick Moonen's rm Seafood to speak with none other than its charismatic chef and owner, Rick Moonen. Afterward, the team gets back on the road where-after taking in the picturesque scenery at the Grand Canyon-they head to Phoenix, Ariz., to speak with Larry Colbert, a blind motivational speaker and author. The Roadtrippers hear Larry's moving story of overcoming obstacles to do what made him happy, despite others not believing in him.
  • Monday, May 20
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Los Angeles, Calif., the Roadtrippers make their way to Amoeba Music, one of the largest indie record stores in the U.S., to meet co-owner Karen Pearson. Next, the team speaks with Joe Rogan, a stand-up comedian, who tells them to do what you do because you love it, not for money. Just as the Roadtrippers are leaving their interview, they snag an impromptu and unexpectedly musical interview with actor Craig Robinson. Playing the piano and in a sing-songy voice, the actor of the The Office empowers Nika to not be afraid to pursue her dream as a performing artist.
  • Monday, May 13
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet Antoine, Hannah, and Nika of team Crazy, Babbling, Sunshine. Antoine has never left Southern California, but feels that he's ready to get out and explore. Hannah left her job as a weather broadcaster in South Korea to move back to the U.S. to figure out what she really wants to do with her life; while Nika grapples with whether she should transfer to a performing arts school or do what is expected of her. After the Roadtrippers meet for the first time in Southern California, they head to their first interview in the Green RV with LiNK (Liberty in North Korea) president Hannah Song who tells them to "tap into their inner passions." After their conversation, the team is inspired and ready to take on their next interview in Los Angeles.
  • Lessons Learned
    Sunday, May 12
    5:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Karin Norington-Reaves, CEO of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, talks about how important social services are in making sure the most people possible can achieve their dreams. The roadtrippers return home with lessons learned and goals ready to be attained.
  • Yesterday Is Not Tomorrow
    Sunday, May 12
    5:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Regina Andino, a Senior Executive Assistant at JP Morgan Chase, discusses the pros and cons of pursuing traditional versus nontraditional pathways to achieve your career goals with the team. They also talk with Plinio Ayala, the president and CEO of Per Scholas, the IT training school that helped secure a job in the field for Taiheem.
  • Lessons Learned
    Wednesday, May 8
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Karin Norington-Reaves, CEO of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, talks about how important social services are in making sure the most people possible can achieve their dreams. The roadtrippers return home with lessons learned and goals ready to be attained.
  • Yesterday Is Not Tomorrow
    Wednesday, May 8
    2:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Regina Andino, a Senior Executive Assistant at JP Morgan Chase, discusses the pros and cons of pursuing traditional versus nontraditional pathways to achieve your career goals with the team. They also talk with Plinio Ayala, the president and CEO of Per Scholas, the IT training school that helped secure a job in the field for Taiheem.
  • Trailblazing
    Sunday, May 5
    5:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The team hears how Anel Perez, an Amazon solutions architect, went from working eighty hour weeks at multiple jobs to getting hired at one of the nation's premier tech companies. Later, they meet with political campaign manager Andre Carroll and hear his story of how his own life struggles have fueled his desire to make the world a better place.
  • Taking Off
    Sunday, May 5
    5:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Roadtrippers Taiheem, Yasmine, and Denise set out in the green RV to speak with inspiring people who've triumphed over adversity to find success in the workforce. Hear their stories and watch as they interview Gerald Chertavian, the CEO of Year Up, a nonprofit helping low-income young adults get internships at major companies.
  • You Can Guide Your Future
    Thursday, May 2
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The trip across Hawaii comes to a close, but not before the team makes some major final breakthroughs: interviews with Governor David Y. Ige and environmental policy specialist Hoku Ka'aekuahiwi Pousima inspire Tehani to pursue her interest in law, and biologist Chrystie Naeole advises Keakealani and Traven on how they can maintain their unique identities while pursuing their ideas of success.
  • Trailblazing
    Wednesday, May 1
    2:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The team hears how Anel Perez, an Amazon solutions architect, went from working eighty hour weeks at multiple jobs to getting hired at one of the nation's premier tech companies. Later, they meet with political campaign manager Andre Carroll and hear his story of how his own life struggles have fueled his desire to make the world a better place.
  • Taking Off
    Wednesday, May 1
    2:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Roadtrippers Taiheem, Yasmine, and Denise set out in the green RV to speak with inspiring people who've triumphed over adversity to find success in the workforce. Hear their stories and watch as they interview Gerald Chertavian, the CEO of Year Up, a nonprofit helping low-income young adults get internships at major companies.