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Great American Foot Race

Great American Foot Race  
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  • Tuesday, November 12
    6:00 pm on FNX 9.3
    In 1928, Andy Payne, a 20-year-old Cherokee, won the Great American Footrace -- the longest footrace in history, stretching 3,422 miles along Route 66, from Los Angeles to New York. Andy's story is remarkable because it reveals an ordinary Native American who triumphed not because of mystical power, but because he believed in himself.
  • Monday, November 4
    6:00 am on FNX 9.3
    In 1928, Andy Payne, a 20-year-old Cherokee, won the Great American Footrace -- the longest footrace in history, stretching 3,422 miles along Route 66, from Los Angeles to New York. Andy's story is remarkable because it reveals an ordinary Native American who triumphed not because of mystical power, but because he believed in himself.
  • Monday, November 4
    12:00 am on FNX 9.3
    In 1928, Andy Payne, a 20-year-old Cherokee, won the Great American Footrace -- the longest footrace in history, stretching 3,422 miles along Route 66, from Los Angeles to New York. Andy's story is remarkable because it reveals an ordinary Native American who triumphed not because of mystical power, but because he believed in himself.