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Digital Teaching and Learning Technology Inventory

UEN conducted the fifth biannual Utah School Technology Inventory. Through this project, UEN and Connected Nation collected data to help policymakers understand how educational technology supports classroom instruction in Utah. 

The School Technology Inventory was first envisioned in 2015 when the Utah Legislature passed Senate Bill 222. This bill established a program that required  an inventory of classroom technology and related resources being used in Utah’s public and charter schools.

In 2017, the Utah Legislature passed a second bill, House Bill 277, which established the state’s Digital Teaching and Learning Grant Program. The program made grants available to schools and districts to improve student learning outcomes and provide educators professional learning opportunities in digital teaching and learning. To assess the effect of these investments, UETN decided to continue the inventory every other year.

UEN and Connected Nation conducted the inventory from October to November, and the final report was released early 2024.

Technology Inventory Report

Why School Technology Inventory Matters

A series highlighting how the use of technology in Utah classrooms has redesigned the way teachers teach and students learn. The series is also a reminder why it’s important to complete this year’s digital technology inventory.

2023 2021 2019


About the Utah Education Network:
The Utah Education Network (UEN) is a broadband and digital broadcast network that connects public education, higher education, libraries and community partners throughout Utah. UEN also works to improve access for learners and educators to digital resources, tools and content through software licensing, professional development and more.

About Connected Nation:
Connected Nation's mission is to improve lives by providing innovative solutions that expand access, adoption and use of high-speed internet and its related technology to all people. Connected Nation works with consumers, local community leaders, states, technology providers and foundations to develop and implement technology expansion programs with core competencies centered on a mission to improve digital inclusion for people and places previously underserved or overlooked. For more information, please visit connectednation.org.