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Refugee Toolkit


First Ascent Scholars
The First Ascent Scholars Program cultivates, encourages and enables academically focused students with significant financial need to attend the Eccles School and connect with the University of Utah, local and global community while reaching their full academic potential.
State of Utah Refugee Office
Building a bridge to success for refugees in our community with resources, information and volunteer opportunities.
Asian Association of Utah
Helps clients become more self-sufficient in their daily lives, and aims to reduce the barriers that refugees and immigrants face when adapting to life in the U.S. With the help of staff, volunteers, and community leaders, the AAU is continually developing and expanding services to meet the needs of clients.
Catholic Community Services
Since 1945, Catholic Community Services of Utah has been empowering people in need along the Wasatch Front to reach self-sufficiency. By giving strength to the weakest in our midst, CCS is able to lovingly serve and provide hope to those with the greatest need in our community regardless of race, religion or personal circumstance.
Granite School District Tumaini Welcome & Transition Center
The Tumaini Center helps newcomer students successfully transition into their home schools. Participants receive an intensive two-week instructional program focusing on academic and social skills in English. The curriculum includes: oral language, school culture, literacy, numeracy, computers, and collaborative learning.
International Rescue Committee – Salt Lake City
The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.
Utah International Charter School
Utah International Charter School aims to provide a rigorous and relevant education for secondary students interested in global perspectives, including recently arrived immigrants, refugees, and native English speakers.
Hser Ner Moo Community and Welcome Center
The Hser Ner Moo Community and Welcome Center provides assistance to refugee and immigrant families. Programs include English as a Second Language and life skill courses for parents, early childhood programming, out of school programs for youth and teens, and outreach to the community.
Refugee Education and Training Center
Fostering opportunities to help refugees access higher education and training programs needed for better paying jobs that will support their families.
Bridging Refuee Youth & Children’s Services (BRYCS) – Refugee Portal
BRYCS maintains the nation's largest online collection of resources related to refugee and immigrant children and families.
Center for Applied Linguistics – Culture Orientation Resource Center
Many members of local communities in the United States wonder who refugees are, why they are resettling, how the resettlement process works, and what is expected of refugees once they arrive in the United States.
U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) helps new populations maximize their potential in the United States by linking them to critical resources that assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.