UEN » Originality Detection » Originality Detection / Plagiarism Software Consortium License - UEN

Originality Detection / Plagiarism Software Consortium License

Evaluators completed a competitive RFP for software to detect originality in student work (also known as plagiarism detection). The RFP process resulted in an award from UETN to two qualifying providers:

The two solutions both integrate with Canvas, which was a priority for the committee. The prices and solutions vary, however.

If your institution is planning to license a plagiarism/originality detection solution, we recommend you view one of the recorded webinars below to get an overview of the products and learn about the process for joining the UETN consortium license. The license is good for annual terms from 2018 to 2023, and schools can select annually.

If you are planning to participate, complete the appropriate letter of intent form.



Contact UEN if you have questions.