
Utah Nearpod Community

The Utah Nearpod Community is open to all faculty and staff at Utah's public schools and public charters. We're teachers, tech specialists, instructional coaches, administrators, and believers in the power of effective engagement strategies in the classroom. Our community of practice is founded on the ideals of collaboration, and we provide opportunities for educators throughout the state to share resources, teaching strategies, and Nearpod tips. Most importantly, though, we're a welcoming group—we would love for you to join us. Subscribe to our mailing list or join one of our meet-ups. We look forward to hearing from you.

Summer PD Playlist. Earn Points, Win Prizes. Now thorugh August 5. Learn more




Meeting Topic: Back-to-School Updates
3:30 - 4:15 pm



Meeting Topic: TBD
3:30 - 4:15 pm



Meeting Topic: TBD
3:30 - 4:15 pm

Past Meet-ups

Pedagogy & Quick Tips
April 11, 2024 | 3:30 - 4:15 pm

Braxton shared the “favorite lessons” spreadsheet from February’s meet-up and highlighted updates from Nearpod: new blog posts, a student writing contest, and the ability to collaborate within lessons (coming soon). Those on the call contributed tips to a group collaborate board, and Deanna Taylor, Kayla Towner, and Dax Higgins shared recommendations for using Nearpod effectively. At the end of the call, Braxton explained that in place of a June meet-up, UEN and Nearpod will sponsor a summer playlist of PD opportunities with prizes for those who participate. Additional details will be shared via the Utah Nearpod Community mailing list.


Lesson & Activity Share
February 8, 2024 | 3:30 - 4:00 pm

Braxton introduced himself and shared his vision for the Utah Nearpod Community. Braxton briefly reviewed recent product updates and shared the new Utah Nearpod Community webpage. (It should be a space for teachers to share resources and collaborate.) Those on the call contributed links to a “favorite lessons” spreadsheet, and Braxton briefly highlighted the topic for the next meet-up: pedagogy and quick Nearpod tips.