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Literacy Resources

These literacy resources have been gathered to help District Literacy Coordinators and Instructional Coaches with their professional development activities.

Close Reading         Current Research - What Works         Instructional Protocols         Karin Hess Resources         Kate Kinsella Resources
Lesson Planning         Paragraph Frames         Professional Learning Communities         TextProject

Close Reading

Close Reading Lesson Plan Template Close Reading Lesson Planning Template for Informational Text (pdf)
Here is a close reading planning form for Informational Text.
Close Reading Lesson Plan Template Close Reading Lesson Planning Template for Literary Text (pdf)
Educators can use this close reading planning form for Literary Text.
Elementary Close Reading Elementary Close Reading Lesson Planning Form (pdf)
This template provides ELA teachers with specific guidance for designing lessons that align with effective instructional techniques.
Text Complexity Informational Text Complexity Rubric (doc)
This rubric will help you determine the text complexity of informational text. Criteria: purpose, text structure, language features, and knowledge demands.
Text Complexity Literature Text Complexity Rubric (doc)
This rubric will help you determine the text complexity of literary text. Criteria: meaning, text structure, language features, and knowledge demands.
Selecting Text Tool Selecting Text Tool - Qualitative Feature Considerations (pdf)
This tool assists educators in determining the level of challenge a text presents for their students.
Source: CSAI-WestED
Supporting Students Supporting Students in Close Reading - Resource Packet (pdf)
This resource guides teachers in the process of instructional planning for close reading with students.
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Current Research - What Works

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Instructional Protocols

Power of Protocols Power of Protocols
Facilitators can use this resource to employ strategies and structures to move teams to deeper levels of thinking and reflection.

Source: Learning Forward

Unlocking Research Protocols and Activities ... from A to Z
You can find instructional protocols you can use with adults to engage in active listening and reflection, honor differing perspectives, and provide equity in voices heard.

Source: NSRF - National School Reform Faculty

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Karin Hess Resources

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Kate Kinsella Resources

Planning for Lesson Hot Spots Academic Discussion Template (doc)
Think - Write - Discuss - Report

Source: Kate Kinsella, Ed. D

Vocabulary Notebook Template Vocabulary Notebook Template (doc)
Verbal practice and writing practice

Source: Kate Kinsella, Ed. D

Vocabulary Notebook Template Sample Vocabulary Notebook Template Sample (doc)
Topic: Lesson Partner Behavior

Source: Kate Kinsella, Ed. D

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Lesson Planning

Planning for BetterLesson Achieve the Core
Find, steal, and share free Common Core tools. For teachers, coaches, school and district leaders.
Planning for BetterLesson The Better Lesson
Over 10,000 complete Common Core-aligned lessons developed by Master Teachers.
Planning for Lesson Hot Spots Planning for Lesson Hot Spots (pdf)
This form will help educators anticipate predictable failures in a lesson.

Source: CSAI-WestED

Teaching the Core Teaching the Core
This website provides full-length videos of language arts and math lessons that demonstrate the core standards in practice in real classrooms throughout the U.S.
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Paragraph Frames

Informational Text Summary Frame Informational Text Summary Frame (doc)
This writing frame will help students comprehend and summarize informational text.

Source: Kate Kinsella, Ed. D

Justification Paragraph Frame Justification Paragraph Frame (doc)
Students can use this frame to effectively write a response to an academic discussion prompt.

Source: Kate Kinsella, Ed. D

Writing Frames Writing Frames (doc)
A model for teaching writing to struggling writers. 13 examples are included.

Source: Anita Archer

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Professional Learning Communities

Collaborative Leadership Collaborative Leadership (pdf)
Facilitating Learning Teams
This unit focuses on the structures and supports teams need in order to accomplish their goals.

Source: Learning Forward

Becoming a Learner System Becoming a Learning System
This book outlines the skills and behaviors district leaders need to coach school leaders to embed the definition and standards daily routines.
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"Meet the Researcher" Google Hangout

January 27: David Pearson - The state of the field: Qualitative analyses of text complexity. Elementary School Journal, 2014, 115(2), 161-180.

February 19: Jill Fitzgerald & Jeff Elmore - Important text characteristics for early-grade text complexity. Journal of Educational Psychology (in press, 2015).

March 19: Maria Murray and Kristen Munger - An analysis of two reading intervention programs: How do the words, texts, and programs compare? Elementary School Journal, 114(4), 479-500.

April 23: Guy Trainin and Kathleen Wilson - A comparison of reading rates, comprehension, and stamina in oral and silent reading of fourth-grade students. Reading Psychology (in press, 2015)

May 21: Gina Cervetti - Factors that influence the difficulty of science words, Journal of Literacy Research (in press, 2015)