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Formatting Text - Basic HTML Tags

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You can add some basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tags to format the text in your messages. Tags open with a less-than sign (<) and close with a greater-than sign (>), like this: <p>

There are two kinds of HTML tags: paired and unpaired.

Paired tags require an opening tag that turns a formatting feature on and a closing tag that turns the feature off. Paired tags must surround the text you want formatted with that feature. For example, <u> and </u> will underline text. You must include the slash ( / ) in the closing tag in order for the pair to work.

Unpaired tags work alone, and are usually placed before the text you want formatted.

 Single Carriage Return - <br> tag

To display:

This is the first line of text.
This is the second line of text.


This is the first line of text. <br>
This is the second line of text.

Note: <br> stands for break

 Double Carriage Return - <p> tag

To display:

Read this sentence first.

Read this sentence next.


Read this sentence first. <p>
Read this sentence next.

Note: <p> stands for paragraph

 Underline Text - <u> </u> tags

To display:

We are going to read the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry in May.


We are going to read the novel <u>Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry</u> in May.


  • <u> stands for underline
  • </u> stands for end underline

 Bold Text - <span class="bold" > </span> tags

To display:

His name is Fred, not Frank.


His name is <span class="bold" >Fred</span>, not Frank.

Note: Within my.uen and the UEN Lesson Plan Tool use <span class="bold" > stands for bold </span> stands for end bold. In other situations use <b> and </b>.

 Italicize Text - <i> </i> tags

To display:

We use italics to distinguish certain words from others within the text.


We use <i>italics</i> to distinguish certain words from others within the text.


  • <I> stands for italics
  • </I> stands for end italics

 Bullets - <ul> </ul> & <LI> & </LI> tags

To display:

Tonight's Homework:

  • Read pages 14-18
  • Summarize readings
  • Write 4 paragraph opinion

Please check the spelling on your summary and opinion papers prior to turning them in.


<p>Tonight's Homework:</p>
<li>Read pages 14-18</li>
<li>Summarize readings</li>
<li>Write 4 paragraph opinion</li>
<p>Please check the spelling on your summary and opinion papers prior to turning them in. </p>


  • <ul> stands for unordered list
  • </ul> stands for end unordered list
  • <li> stands for list item
  • </li> stands for end list item

The tag <li> indicates where you want the bullet to appear. It is important to use the </ul> tag at the end of your bulleted list.

 Numbered List - <ol> </ol> & <li> & </li> tags

To display:

Be sure to complete the following activities before class:

  1. Select a current event article from a local newspaper or magazine.
  2. Highlight the main points of the article with a marker.
  3. Rewrite the article in your own words.

Please have this article ready to share on Monday.


Be sure to complete the following activities before class:
<li>Select a current event article from a local newspaper or magazine.</LI>
<li> Highlight the main points of the article with a marker.</LI>
<li> Rewrite the article in your own words.</li>
Please have this article ready to share on Monday.


  • <ol> stands for ordered list
  • </ol> stands for end ordered list
  • <li> stands for list item
  • </li> stands for end list item

The tag <li> indicates where you want the number to appear. It is important to use the </ol> tag at the end of your numbered list.