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April 25, 2003
Campaigns are -- each one is new and they boil down to a contest between two people. As I have said, I don't think there's anyone on that list that wouldn't trade places with me politically.
March 21, 2003
This is a different war in three different ways. First, as you mentioned, we're now dealing with the potential of a terrorist attack anywhere in the United States. It's worthy, I think, of consideration that we were vulnerable to...
February 13, 2003
The so-called Plan B, in my judgment, is based on a lack of information, a lack of understanding, and I think to move it forward would be hypocritical in the sense that we have very clearly stated our position with respect to the...
January 30, 2003
The proponents of tuition tax credits believe that if you subject the public schools to market forces, that it will improve them. I need to say very clearly, I believe that market forces inside public schools will improve them.
December 19, 2002
The highest priority I had was for education to be put first, and they did that, and I am very pleased, and I think they should feel a deep sense of satisfaction about the way they handled that aspect of the budget.
November 2002
Utah, like every other state, is being affected by a national recession. It has produced a drop in our tax collections at a rate that's faster than anything that has occurred since World War II.
September 2002
We have operated the last year on the assumption that we would see a recovery in the third quarter, and I believe midsummer we were beginning to position ourselves as an economy for that recovery.
August 2002
The glow of the Olympics really masked in a way the dificult economic times we were having. In the last 200 days some eocnomic progress has been made.
July 2002
We monitor on a monthly and quarterly basis, in fact sometimes weekly, the cash flow of the state, and the latest figures demonstrate that at least we've bottomed out and are starting up.